Chapter 27: Elle

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"They know!"

Elle's eyes flung open. They had formed the circle around Judah to help anchor him here in Bregslin before he went to get information from Selena. His eyes had panic and worry on them as he began to breathe heavier and heavier.

Elle wanted to reach out and comfort him. She felt her hand begin to raise, but she bit her lower lip and forced it back down to her side. Even if she desperately wanted to touch him.

That's not your job anymore, Mayweather.

She instead sat awkwardly with her hands placed in her lap as Judah told Elora and Halayah what happened. Their eyes were mixed with shock and anger as they took in the information. They no longer had the element of surprise. They were at the mercy of the strength the realms had to offer, but Gedeon had the power of The Vein, and all the leverage he would need with Selena in the castle.

"We need to let the others know," Elora said.

She held up her hands and a soft white glow illuminated her palms. She closed her eyes and sat silently for what felt like forever before she opened her eyes and stood up. "We need to go to the MCA meeting room. Everyone will be waiting for us there."

Elle silently stood up as Elora held up her hand and opened up a crystal blue portal. Halayah and her stepped through it and Judah, Asher, and Jayden followed behind her.

"Mind if I bum a ride?"

Elle turned and saw Hagar standing behind her. His cheesy car salesman grin was replaced by a somber look. Elle nodded as she stepped aside for the half-horse man to step through the portal and quickly followed after him.

"You know," Hagar said as the walls of Bregslin faded away and the golden circular chamber of the MCA meeting room appeared. "I never got to tell you this before, but you did really good at Skydance. We were all very impressed with what you did."

"Thank you," Elle said.

She wasn't sure how to take this sudden burst of kindness from a minotaur. She was used to their fratboy-esque behavior that left her rolling her eyes on more than one occasion. Elora was already in the center of the room when Elle and Hagar walked to their respective realm's tables. The people at the table weren't the ones Elle was used to seeing. Up until the ball at Encantia, Elle had never seen Queen Halayah. Hagar had never been to the meetings either. There were two small people, one man and one woman in elegant clothing sitting at the Dwarves' table, the Aquin queen sat with a moody expression on her face, and the Elfs had a hauntingly empty seat.

"I've called all the rulers here, not the spokespeople because we need to come together and decide a plan," Elora said. "Our covert operation has been exposed, and we are free-falling without a way to land right now. We have to come up with a plan of attack against Gedeon."

The short man at the Dwarves' table stood up. He wore a navy shirt with jewels in a golden chair around his neck. It dipped to his mid-stomach. He had a crown of gold on his head and wore a red cloak with a white fur trim around the bottom. The woman next to him wore a beautiful blue gown. Her hair was curled to perfection, and a beautiful gem tiara sat on top of her head. The outfits they wore did not match their warty and patchy skin."For those of you who don't know, I am King Aldur of the Dwarves. This is my wife Queen Paris."

The queen nodded and her husband continued. "I am unsure of how we have yet to make a successful plan. We are four full realms fighting against one-"

"One of great evil," Hagar interrupted. "One who has already taken down Encantia as a whole." He nodded apologetically at Halayah before he continued.

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