Crime Scene

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You and Elizabeth were both forensic criminologist working for the Minnesota Public Safety Department. As colleagues, you two detested each other. After having poles-apart on everything, it was hard to maintain a clean work ethic between the two of you. You two couldn't tolerate each other.

However, when the boss paired you guys up for a recent crime scene, you two had to unite and cooperate with the assignment as each other's companion.

Elizabeth sighed, wanting nothing more, than to quit right on the spot.

Elizabeth sighed, wanting nothing more, than to quit right on the spot

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" Yes, sir. It'll be a pleasure to work with Mrs. Olsen," You politely replied to the superintendent, accepting his orders. He didn't know about the repugnance you two had for each other, but he didn't need to be aware of that. After all, by the end of the day, there was no time in this department to be complaining about such stupidity.

however, what you didn't know, was that this new assignment with Elizabeth was going to bring the two of you closer than ever.

an enemies to lovers kind of story.

perhaps, opposites do really attract.


J'adore   : ̗̀➛ Gif ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now