Flustered ( Hailee )

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Hailee was with Jeremy Renner in a interview for the upcoming tv series: Hawkeye. When all the sudden the interviewer asked them how was like working with you.

" Honestly, it was great. Y/N, she's a wonderful actress and very talented. I'm so glad she joined us in this project. I do envision her being in the marvel cinematic universe for a long time, she's just a truly charismatic woman, and I'm so happy we got to work with her,"Jeremy replied to the interviewer.

" Working with Y/N , wow, um, where do I begin-," Hailee smiled shyly, once it was her turn to answer the interviewer question. " It was great, like Jeremy said. She was very charming and funny. To be honest, there wasn't a day where we weren't laughing at one of her jokes," Hailee laughed before continuing, " but professionally, she is a great actress. And like Jeremy said, I'm glad she joined us in this project."

" You forgot to mention that she also made you feel nervous," Jeremy mischievously looked at her, and continued " Hailee was a nervous wreck whenever we had to shoot scenes together with Y/N. This girl would forget her lines when she was around, that we had to reshoot scenes multiple times!," Jeremy teased her, Hailee immediately covering her flustered face.

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