Sick Days ♡ Wonyoung

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"Y/n? It's time to wake up, we have to go to the studio." Yujin said as she gently shook you awake, making you groan. As a leader, she had to wake everyone up.

You ignored her because of how tired you were. See, yesterday you started to feel sick.

At first it was just a small headache, but soon it turned into a fever. You tried to sleep it off until the next day, but now that it actually was the next day, you dreaded waking up and somehow felt worse.

"I can't." You said with a weak voice.

"Why not? Everyone else is already awake. Why can't you?" She questioned, crossing her arms on her chest.

"Because I'm sick! I feel horrible." You said as you closed your eyes and placed your hand on your forehead. It was very warm.

"Look, I get it if you're tired. But still, you can't lie to get out of work! You have to get up Y/n. I'm serious." Yujin said with a sigh.

"What's going on in here?" Wonyoung suddenly asked as she appeared in the room. She took one look at you and immediately knew something was wrong.

"Are you okay? You look pale." She said with a concerned look.

"Come and see for yourself."

Wonyoung and Yujin both made their way to you. They then placed their hand on your cheek and immediately pulled away.

"Baby, you're burning up! Why didn't you say so sooner?" Wonyoung panicked as she ran to the bathroom to get a cold cloth for your forehead.

"Oh Y/n, you don't have to go to work today. Wonyoung will stay here to take care of you." Yujin said as she sent you sad smile.

She felt horrible for not believing you, but she couldn't say anything as she had to get back with the rest of the members or she would be late.

"I'll be heading out now. Please take care of her, Wonyoung. Feel better!" Yujin half yelled as she got her belongings and walked out of the room.

Wonyoung then came back with a cloth and placed it gently on your forehead.

"Here, this should make you feel better. Do you need something? Water? A blanket? Food? Anything?" She said as she placed the blanket over you.

You shook your head and burried yourself deeper into the blanket.

"No. I feel like I'm going to throw up at the mention of food."

"Oh Y/n, how about I go to the store and get you medicine? How does that sound?" She asked as she took a seat at the foot of the bed.

"No, please don't. I want you to stay."

"But it'll make you feel better. Please. I don't want to see you in pain." She begged with a small smile as you sighed.

"Okay. Fine. But be quick! I need you with me right now." You said as you closed your eyes.

On the other hand, your girlfriend was getting up and grabbing her bag to go to the store.

"Alright, I'll be back soon. Call me if you need something." She said as she bent down and kissed your forehead.

You nodded, watching her head out the door.

≪ °❈° ≫
Time skip

About 30 minutes later, Wonyoung returned with the medicine. She entered the room very quietly, and luckily she did so because you were already in a deep sleep.

"Y/n? Sweetie, wake up. I'm home with the medicine. You have to drink it." She whispered, placing her hand on your shoulder which made you wake up.

You yawned and wrinkled your nose in disgust, noticing the medicine she was holding in her hand.

"Do I have to? It looks.. gross." You said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Babe we already went through this. Drink it and you'll feel better."


"Y/n..." She said sternly, passing you the bottle of medicine.

You immediately nodded as you opened the bottle, then bringing it up to your mouth to drink.

In one go, you swallowed it and covered your mouth.

"See? That wasn't so hard. You did great, baby." She smiled as she helped you lay back down.

"I hope I feel better because this is killing me." You groaned.

"Do you still feel like throwing up?" She questioned, fixing the pillows behind you to make you more comfortable.

"No, not anymore. But my stomach hurts."

"Does it hurt because you're hungry? If so then I can make you a soup." Wonyoung smiled.

"Yes please. I'm sort of hungry." You said, putting your hand on your stomach.

"I'll be back then. Just yell if you need something, and don't get up by yourself. I will help you."

You nodded as she went downstairs to make you a soup.

Through all this, you couldn't help but feel so lucky to have her taking care of you. She was so gentle and always knew what to do to make you feel better.

Soon enough, she came back with a bowl of warm soup for you. She placed the bowl on a tray and set it on the bed.

"This is for you. Eat it so you can rest." Wonyoung said as she came close to you to put your hair up so it didn't get in your way.

"Thank you." You smiled as she nodded.

"Of course. I'll always help you darling. Now eat so it doesn't get cold." She smiled as you chuckled and ate.

The whole time she helped you and offered anything so you could feel comfortable.

After a while, she cleaned up and layed next to you on the bed. Wonyoung placed the blanket over you so you could relax.

"Thank you for taking care of me. I love you." You whispered as you started to fall asleep in her arms

"I love you too. Feel better." She whispered back with a smile, happy to be making you feel better.

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