Reunited ♡ Ryujin

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It was a chilly day, no after 7pm and the girls were in a local coffee shop simply enjoying each other's presence.

However, Ryujin was a nervous wreck.

You see, Yeji had realized how down Ryujin's been lately because of her recent break up with you.

So as a result, she invited you to come to the coffee shop where they were currently at so you and Ryujin could have a talk.

You desperately needed to talk your problems out.

She thought that maybe it could cheer her best friend up.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine. We'll be a table away just incase anything goes wrong." Lia reassured her as the rest nodded in unison.

"I know, it's just that I'm scared. I really messed up with her. I want her to know how sorry I am." She sighed.

"Y/n is lovely so I'm sure she'll forgive you. Now stop stressing! We want to see you both happy." Chaeryeong told her while placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks you, girls. This means so much to me. She should be here any second now so that's your cue." She smiled.

They nodded and walked away to sit far away at another table, but not too far away.

The girls still wanted to see what would happen with you too.

Then as expected, the bell attached to the door rang as you walked in.

Your hair was down and you were wearing a brown coat.

Though it was something simple, Ryujin still blushed.

You were looking around and when you finally spotted her, you made your way to the table she was at.

You placed your bag on the table and took a seat in front of her.

"Hello." You greeted.

"Hey." She said quietly.

"How have you been?" You questioned with a friendly smile.

"Uh.. can i be honest?" She sighed with a small frown on her lips to which you nodded.

"Not so good. I miss you like crazy. I can't stop thinking about you."

"Ryu, I-"

"Wait! Let me get this off my chest first." She told you.

You nodded and paid close attention.

"I haven't moved on, Y/n. I can't. I'm so sorry that I ruined us. I just wish things could go back to how they were before. Everyday I wake up hoping that you'll be there by my side, but you're not. I'm sorry. If you hate me, I completely understand." She said while trying to hold back tears.

You felt your heart sink in your chest when you saw her start to tear up so instinctively, you placed your hand on hers and gave it a squeeze.

"Ryujin.. I'm sorry too. I miss you." You told her as she immediately lifted her head up to look at you, a small smile forming on her lips.

"Wait.. really? You miss me?"

"Of course I do. You're the love of my life, darling. I could never get over you." You said as her stomach filled with butterflies.

"So.. what does this mean for us?"

"You can be my girlfriend again.. if you want to, that is." You said which made her nod her head quickly.

"Yes! I'd love to." Ryujin said with a smile.

She felt her heart pounding with excitement.

She's been dreaming for this moment ever since you split, so it was only natural.

"I love you so much. I'm glad that you're mine again." Ryujin said as her cheeks grew red.

"I love you too." You responded as the the girls gushed at the moment.

And finally, they had their happy best friend back.

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