The end

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sai pov
i was tensed thinking what i should do
i didn't have the guts to tell my husband everything
as i feared his anger
so i decided to face the reality myself
i silently packed my clothes in a bag
and put it hidden in the cupboard
i should do whatever to get the file
as i was thinking about it
i didn't realize my husband was back
so i quickly tried to wipe my tears
virat: what happened sai
what are you hiding in the cupboard
sai: what i'm i hiding?
virat: did you cry
why are your eyes wet
sai: harmones virat sir
don't know when i cry
virat: i get it
these days you are too emotional
last week you cried because a dog died in the movie
sai: animal or human
feelings are feelings virat sir
virat: animal or human
films are not real
my stupid sai
virat pov
i ruffled her hair
i tried to calm her a bit
virat: just one more month
we will have our baby
so stay calm
now come and eat
sai pov
seeing him feeding me
as making me guilty as ever
if i tell the truth
will he still be my side
will he think as my husband and not a cop
i was about to ask him
but hearing my mother in law screams
he hurried me
virat; let's have the rest later
now function will start right
let's get ready
sai: ok
virat pov
something was really strange
when she hugged me
as i was setting her saree
she asked me a weird question
sai: will you make love to me
virat; sai we have 10 mins
we need to go down
sai: i just need you
virat: after the function
let's see
sai: i wanted to ask you one more thing
if anything happens to me
will you love our child
virat: sai what are you saying
it's a c section
nothing will happen to you
sai pov
i didn't know how to say that
i immediately hugged him
thinking about what i'm going to do today
virat: sai are you ok
sai: im fine
it's just i'm emotional today
virat: don't worry
whatever happens
i will always be there
virat: it's a promise
sai: thanks
virat; but you should also promise me you would never trust pahi
let's open the case against her
she is not good
sai: about that
i never wanted to close the case against her
though i had a feeling she might have been mentally ill
but some things she was doing intentionally
i was getting these calls..
virat: what calls
sai pov
i was trying to explain the whole truth to my husband
how i was kidnapped at the age of 15
and i accidentally shot the kidnapper
my father changed the case and made it look like
he shot the kidnapper
he said not to tell anyone
but now someone out of no where is trying to blackmail me about this case
as i said my whole truth virat sir
began stood up with anger in his eyes
sai: virat sir
listen to me whatever i did
virat: whatever you did
was right
but this blackmailing is wrong
and i will not leave that person
sai: virat sir please wait
sai pov
i was trying to stop virat sir
but he was rushing away
i followed him
but i stopped a bit seeing the flight of stairs in front of me
as i tried to take the step with caution
some one from behind
pushed me
making me roll on the stairs
as i was down
i saw myself in a pool of blood
and trying to each out for virat sir
virat: sai !!!
virat pov
my world stopped seeing her in that condition
the wife and the family i dreamed
seemed to be crushing infront of me
i immediately took her in my hands and rushed to the hospital
not caring about what others are saying
ashwini pov
we were all standing outside the operation theater
the doctor said the condition is serious
and was doing an emergency c section
virat was almost lossing it
with his hands covered in sai's blood
i was feeling very bad for him
i tried to console him
but his eyes were stuck to the operation theater door
and that's when the doctor came
doctor : congratulations me virat
you have a lovely daughter
kaku: daughter
but we wanted a son
ashwini: vahini..
ashwini pov
i wanted to shut her up by slapping her
but virat raised his voice
virat: the news is about my wife and child
those who are against it can please leave
i don't need them
kaku: but a daughter virat
virat: you also had daughter right
now shut up
kaku; did you forget that i'm the elder
virat: and you forgot it's a hospital
i can get you arrested for this nuisance
so please shut up kaku
now tell me doctor how is my wife
doctor : she is still serious
we are trying our best
for now you can see your daughter
virat pov
i was tensed so much with sai condition
but looking at my daughter made my eyes tear up
it was mine
we made her
she looked exactly like me
but when she opened her eyes
she had sais
my mother and father also had tears in their eyes looking at her
nenand : my first grand child
virat pov
i was getting emotional
holding my child
when the doctor said my sai was in coma
pulkit pov
i hit him
i hit him bad
pulkit : where is my sister virat
virat: i used to visit her regularly pulkit
but my daughter got sick
i was taking care of her
i was only out for a few hours
that's when someone took away sai
pulkit: you left your wife to die
don't say these emotional dialogues
i don't want to hear
virat: sai is not dead
pulkit: she was in coma
so you decided to end her life right
what wrong she did to you virat
that you took such a big decision
virat: i didn't take any decision
plus sai is not dead
she is missing and i'm trying to get her
pulkit : where ?
where will you find her
when it's you who killed her and threw her body away
virat: stop talking nonsense pulkit
i would never do that
sai was my wife
my baby's mother
pulkit: really then if you were that nobel
why did your family  come to our house
to ask pakhis hand for you
telling that sai is dead
virat: what are you saying pulkit
maa what is pulkit saying did you guys go there
ashwini : no i didn't go but ..
virat: why are you all looking down
karishma : kaku said sai bhabhi
is good as a dead body
and who will take care of her child and
there should be a second child of yours
so we went to pakhis to ask..
virat: just shut up
i used be always happy that i had such a big and nice family
but you guys have all your colors of you own
what did my sai do to you guys
she as always trying to be nice and kind to you
but you never understood
sonali: what will we never understand
who will take care of the kid
virat: really then why didn't you understand
when sai was taking care of you
instead of karishma
that time my wife didn't say
why should i take care of you
kaku:  just stop your nonsense virat
whatever we did
was for your benifit
virat: please don't even say the word
it's troubling me
you all feel burdened by my daughter right
then let me tell you once for all
you guys don't need to feel anything
because today
i'm reveling you all from two major problems
me and my daughter are leaving this house
nenand : virat have you gone mad
ashwini: virat what are you saying
stop it
kaku: virat stop you can't do this
virat pov
i didn't listen to any of them
took my things and my daughter
and got into the car
to have a new start
looking at my 3 month old daughter
i promised her
i will never leave her alone
virat: we will find your mother
virat pov
yes savi
i named her after my sai
seeing her smile
i was sure
she liked the name
i promise you sai
one day we will meet again
our family will be complete
author pov
please let me know if you want me to continue the story in a sequel
or stop here
i will decide on your comments
and thank you so much for your support everyone
love you all
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