Marraige alliance

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sai pov
i had many dreams
my parents used to say
my all dreams would come true
i thought it was true
but my happiness and dreams
all changed with my moms death
my father thought remarrying
will bring me another mom and a sister
but she only was a step mom
and never had the intention
to be my mom
as for my sister she hated me
for getting attention
but trust me i never tried anything for her
my only solace was my brother pulkit
who supported me and stood by me
but now as he is getting married and leaving the country to pursue his career
is making me feel like i'm
loosing everything i have
but i didn't want him to be upset
so i put on a happy face
not to make my brother sad
as i was went to the dining table
i saw my family members already seated and
my step sister pakhi was asual upset with everything
pakhi: again he cut my call
usha: don't worry
he will come back to you
kamalji why don't you go to his house and ask them
kamal: he is an acp
and i'm an inspector
how can i ask
usha: this is because you don't consider pakhi as your daughter
pulkit is getting married to that family
why not our pakhi
kamal: pulkits is a love marriage
pulkit didn't even tell us that he is marrying
usha: and?
pakhi loves that acp
it was that acp who cheated on her
so he should apologize and marry my pakhi
sai pov
it was absurd
listening to my step mother speaking ill about that acp
he was really a good man
he saved me from the goons the other day
and i watched him from far the way he treated my sister
and was also there when my sister broke his heart
in the crowd watching silently
i normally don't say anything
but when they were insulting him
i couldn't stop myself
sai: im sorry maa
but wasn't it pakhi didi
who said she loved that business man
and dumped the acp
if anyone is at fault
then that's pakhi didi
pakhi: what did you say
i'm at fault
usha: yes we are at fault
after all
we don't belong to this family
kamal: sai just shut up
what are you saying
can't you see your sister is in distress
pulkit: and can't you see that pakhi always makes my sister suffer
kamal: pulkit pakhi is also your sister
pulkit: sister and her
i don't want to do anything with this family
sai come with me
pulkit pov
i thought about it
many times
but i can't seem to have an option but this
so i took sai and went to the restaurant
sai pov
i was surprised when my brother
bought me to a restaurant
and made me meet an elderly couple
i took their blessings and they were very happy
ashwini: im happy
to finally meet you
your brother said so many things about you
nenad: and also our viru
he liked your picture
sai: viru?
ashwini: you will meet him soon
he should be here
there he is
sai pov
i saw a man walk through the doors
in his police uniform
looking handsome
when he removed his glasses
i saw him face to face
he was the acp
sai : acp virat chavan
sai pov
the same man who was betrayed by my sister
as i forgot that i was staring at him
too long
that he extended his hand for me
and we shook our hands
ashwini: are you going to see my son all day
or will you also talk with him?
sai: i ..
sai pov
i was feeling very shy looking at him
that's when my brother spoke
pulkit : she is a bit shy
as i said yesterday
we want to the marriage to happen
as soon as possible
nenand : soon as possible?
but ..
virat: before talking about this
i want to talk to her alone
sai pov
i was shocked when he said alone
but when my brother said to go
i went
sai pov
we went to the garden
and was eager to know what he wanted to ask
and also to know
why we both are getting married
virat pov
i saw the girl
she was simple
just like my mother described
i was meeting her only because of devyani
because he said he will not marry devyani
unless i marry his sister sai
with my sisters future in my hand
i finally decided to let go of my decision
not to settle in life
virat: i think you heard from your brother
i'm acp virat chavan
sai: yes
i'm sai ..
virat: i know
no need for your surname
anyhow it will get changed tomorrow
sai: will be changed tomorrow ?
why i'm i changing my name
virat: after marriage
everyone's name will be changed
sai: so you are also changing your name?
will you change it sai virat
virat : no it's only you who is going to change
sai : why
i don't want to change
i like my name
you should change sai virat is better
we should have hashtags
what do you think
virat: hashtags?
sai pov
i tried to irritate him
just to have a laugh
and he was hiding his smile
sai: you look good when you smile
virat: im not smiling
also smile doesn't suit me
sai: if smile doesn't suit you
then laugh
you know sometime
we should get accustomed that good will happen in our life
virat: im not that positive
sai: and i'm not that negative
virat: you speak a lot
sai: only when the company is good
virat: look i have to come clean
i don't believe in love
i was hurt once and i don't want to go through the path again
sai: i was also bitten once by a dog
and don't want to be bitten again
virat: i dont understand
sai: look virat sir
it's ok to be hurt
but it's not ok to stay hurt forever
sai pov
i finally told the words
i wanted to tell him
when my sister broke up with him
she never deserved him
virat pov
this girl was really something
she was young but the maturity in her voice spoke everything
virat: thank you
i like your words
but i should remind you marrying me
is not going to be easy
sai: i will bear it
virat: why ?
sai: because..
ashwini pov
pulkit called me away from nenand and asked me
if i said anything to virat
ashwini: i didn't say anything
pulkit: until marriage please don't tell anyone
ashwini: but how could. this miscommunication happen
sai is very young pulkit
pulkit : i know maa
but my situations are not letting me to take sai with me
she will be happy with virat
i know we are concealing some information
but ..
ashwini: i don't know what virat will say
when he will know about sai's age and family
pulkit: we will think about that when the time comes
virat: what time?
pulkit: virat?
author pov
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