Sai's secret

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ashwini pov
i was not understanding anything
when virat was screaming my name
ashwini: what happened virat
did sai give birth
ashwini pov
i went their room
only to see sai
standing in the corner holding virats uniform
looking sad
ashwini: what happened exactly
virat: i can't find my uniform
ashwini: sai has it
can't you see
she is just standing here
virat: no i can't see
just as she can't see what i'm trying to say
ashwini: now what happened
between you two
virat: nothing
just some stupid wishes
ashwini: wishes
sai: maa i just want to be happy
virat: then ask her to wish for something that makes her happy
instead of freeing a criminal
sai: she is my sister
virat: the one who tried to kill you and our child
no she is not your sister
sai: but she is family
virat: i already told you
you only have this family
can't you hear
ashwini: stop shouting virat
you are making her upset
see she is crying
virat: let her cry for her stupid actions
ashwini: it's not stupid
she also has an opinion
try to accept that
may be she has an explanation
virat: you want an explanation
see this scarf
on roadside you will get it for 10 bucks
that's her explanation
ashwini: sai ? scarf?
sai: maa please
she changed
ashwini : but sai
are you saying this because of this scarf
sai: yes
ashwini: sai ..
ashwini pov
i wanted to shout at sai
that she can't trust someone that easily
but seeing her tummy i stopped
ashwini : in my opinion
i don't know what to say
sai and virat the function starts at 4 pm
and i don't need any drama
please sort it out between you two
sai: i won't attend the function
until virat sir closes this case against pakhi didi
ashwini: sai what are you saying
it's for your child
virat: do you even have a brain
what are you saying
you are going to give up everything for that pakhi
sai: i just don't want to hurt anybody
virat: sai ..
sai pov
i saw virat sir raise his hand on me
but at the last second he stopped from hitting me
seeing my bump and maa
ashwini: virat don't get angry
it's a special day for you guys
sai you atleast understand pakhi is not good
i'm pretty sure she is just doing a drama
sai: i don't know if pakhi didi is doing a drama or not
i just  don't want to my baby to have any bad luck
this is the least i'm asking for everyone
virat : fine sai
if this is what you want
i will grant you this
sai pov
i felt a bit sad looking at virat sirs anger
he thinks i'm foolish to believe pakhi didi
but in reality
it's for our child's well being
if i don't take the case back
i might loose everything
virat pov
we were about to go to court for this pakhi case
but i couldn't proceed with it because of sai's request
so instead of closing this case
i put the case in pending saying we need to investigate more
as i know one day sai will open her eyes
and she herself will ask me to pursue this case
leaving this bad memories
i went to buy some gifts for my wife and child
and that's when i saw her
pakhi: buying toys again?
your child is not born virat
virat: i buy my toys or burn them
i don't need to answer you
pakhi: feisty looks like you are totally under control of sai
look at you the guy who wouldn't buy me a single thing
is now frequently buying everything for his wife
even when she doesn't ask
virat; are you done
if you are
then you can leave
pakhi: i will leave
i came here to say thanks for dropping the case on me
i know you can't see me in pain
virat: first of all
yes i couldn't see someone's pain
but it's not yours
it's my wife's
who thinks with your cheap scarf and cheesy lines
you changed
let me get you out from this delusion
i didn't close the case
i put it on pending
if you ever do anything to my sai
the case will be automatically sent to the court
virat pov
seeing her smirking and going away
gave me a lot of doubt
she is definitely plotting against my sai
sai pov
i don't know what to do
should i be happy with the gifts
or get frightened for what i have done
virat sir is really bossy when he tells me all of these huge terms
virat: did you listen to what i said
don't keep running like a headless chicken
sai pov
i understood he was talking about pakhi didi
but i tried to divert the topic
sai: you want to eat chicken
virat: why are you asking
sai: you were calling me chicken
so i figured i should make it?
but in house i can't make right
should i take permission from kaku
virat: did i tell you to make chicken biryani
sai: see your anger speaks everything
you really want biryani now
virat: i don't want biryani now sai
i don't want you to trust pakhi
sai; no biryani
virat: why are you disappointed now
sai: i wanted to eat
since days
i don't know i have never eaten meat and suddenly i want to eat now
you and i are vegetarians right
sai pov
as i was getting confused
when virat sir smiled
and the next thing confused me a lot
virat: it's my child
it's understood
sai: what?
virat: i will go and get parcel
eat it before the function starts
sai: thank you
virat pov
when she was hugging me
instead of happiness
i felt something uneasy
and the baby was also kicking more than usual
virat: is everything alright sai
sai: im okay virat sir
why do you ask
virat: nothing
i will go to the restaurant
you take some rest
if you need anything ..
sai: i will call maa
don't worry
virat: fine i will be back soon
virat pov
i kissed her forehead once more and left the house
sai pov
when virat sir left
i immediately saw my phone
which has almost 25 missed calls
i immediately called the person
sai: i did what you asked
now tell me what do want
stranger : you did your first task
sai: now send me the file
stranger ; if you want to get the file
pack your bags
and meet me at 11 pm
sai: 11pm?
i can't come
stranger : if you don't
the file will go to your husband
sai: no don't do that
i will come there
author pov
what is sai hiding from virat
what is the real reason sai got pakhi released from the case
let's know soon
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