PART III. Departure

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Ossola and the rest of Ilialana is fast running out of resources. The kingdom has almost depleted its remaining supply of liquefied deuklodite, just enough to power the city for five more cycles. Perhaps even less. To curb the fuel shortage, the Council has agreed to suspend the use of airships until supplies are restored, one that could take three more cycles.

I can only imagine the prospect of conquering weakened kingdoms like Ilialana—a rich source of deuklodite stones—can be alluring for opportunistic parasites like Athar Khriskhana. The tyrant king possesses one of the largest airship fleets in the Glass Empire, second only to the Moon Court's, an enemy state to Khriskhana whose anti-airship defenses he would not dare challenge.

A horse's whinny jolts me from my troubled thoughts. From the barren mines, I shift my attention back to the congregation before me. An assemblage of the palace staff, all in black, stand at the back and to the side of the courtyard. In front of the royal entourage stand Nenaias and his eldest son Aran, along with the youngest in the family, Braegen, carried by his Omega father. The babe is merely ten cycles old, sucking on his thumb and cooing, completely oblivious of the events unfolding before him.

These are the future of Ilialana, the very people I must protect.

I walk over to them, my eyes never leaving Nenaias's face. The daylight makes him look even more gaunt and sallow, like a ghost of his old self. I take Braegen and hold him with an arm, as I draw Nenaias close to me with the other.

I have always felt a sense of kinship with Nenaias, not just because he is an Omega, but because underneath the air of grace and calmness is a headstrong, valiant man who's developed a strong sense of responsibility to his family.

I know in my heart he will do everything in his power to protect Isarrel and the children, but the recent events had racked him, mind and soul.

"You need to go back inside the palace," I implore. "It will not be good for your health if you stay too long out here."

Nenaias waves away my remark and looks at me through bleary eyes. "How is he?" he asks instead, referring to his mate.


He is not getting any better.

I shake my head as though it can cast aside the intrusive thought. "Ievos is with him. He'll be fine. Listen, brother. You need to get some rest. Have the stewards watch over the children."

"Yes, but... Brother, I do not think I can do this on my own." Nenaias buries his face in my chest, gripping my arms as if holding on for dear life. Braegen lets out a string of meaningless, happy babbles, not the least concerned that his Omega father is crushing him between us. "When Isarrel passes, I will become king regent. And I can't...I just can't..."

So, Nenaias knows. It is no longer a matter of "if", but "when". My heart shatters at this realization.

"Brother, you must be strong," I tell him, voice cracking and barely audible. "Please watch your health. I do not like to see you wasting away into nothing. Aran and Braegen are ill-equipped and far too young to be losing both their parents. Not now. Not ever."

I tell him about the dowry and what to expect in the days to come. Nenaias looks a little relieved at this, his face gradually softening as I offer temporary consolation.

"From here on, you are in-charge until Isarrel...recovers," I murmur in his ear before releasing him. "I will send in a messenger once I arrive in Cardan. I will make sure to get word every cycle. If anything happens, you must let me know at once."

Nenaias nods in agreement. "Thank you, brother. Maybe one of these days, you can come and visit us?" he asks meaningfully. "Come see the boys. And maybe then, the mines will be back in operation. You can bring the Summer King with you, even. He can see for himself how we operate the mines."

A Reign to Ruin: The Prince Regent and the Summer KingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz