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The first time I opened the book was when I finally got home.
The more I read it, the more I was shocked. Didn't Iruka-sensei teach us about this?

Oh, right, I really should've listened in class and not slept all day.

When I read it all, I slammed the book across the wall. A Bijuu, huh? So that's why my whole life is horrible?
— Bijuu, if you can hear me-I said, my voice leaking of venom.-I need to ask you about something.-

— Ah, so you have finally acknowledged me, huh? Took you long enough-
He said. I heard him from inside my head. His voice was deep, deep enough to make your hair go up from fear. But I didn't fear him, I don't know why. I just didn't.

— Yes. About the question.-

— Straight to the point... I like it. What's the question?-

— Can you help me?- I couldn't believe what I was saying. If anyone knew what was happening here, I would be locked up. Executed, even.

But, it felt right. I knew that the demon was the closest to me because it lived inside of me.
It probably saw everything I struggled with. It never talked, because it wanted me to find out on my own. Smart.

— Help you? Ah, I see... So you, kid, want to get revenge on the village, right?
I knew it. I heard your thoughts.
You know... If you let me have control over your body for a few minutes, then I would destroy your village quickly...-

— No- I interrupted.- I know that you'd do it, but I don't want you to.
I want to destroy Konoha myself, with your help.-

Surprised? Yes? No?
I am surprised myself. What happened to that little lonely boy who feared failure and other people?


I'm a survivor.

A survivor of a horrible treatment.
A survivor of loneliness.
A survivor of bullying.
A survivor of gossip.
A survivor of having a Bijuu sealed inside of you.

It was a sacrifice! They should be thanking me! They should bow to me! Not the other way around!

I hated them, I absolutely despised them.

Juubo, too. How the fuck was I supposed to tell you that I'm a Jinchuriki when I didn't know that myself?
And so what if I am one?! That doesn't change anything! I'm still Naruto!

— It does change things, kid. You should know that.

Wait, can you hear me? I'm just thinking to myself now.

— Yes, I can hear you. Now, I wanted you to remember that if you choose this path of life, you will prove them right.

Ah. You're right.
So what?
What if they were right? I'm going to kill them anyway.

— You're so confident, kit. I like you. You're not like my other Jinchurikis.
Together we can destroy all of Konoha. I will teach you everything.
You're lucky I'm over a thousand years old, now I can pass all I've learned to you.

Thank you, Bijuu!

— My name is Kurama, Kit.

Okay, Kurama, I'm ready! When will you teach me all of that?

— Not yet, idiot. We have to think of a plan before we train.

Huh? What plan?

— Do you want the whole village to know that you're training with a deadly demon?

No, of course not! They would lock me up!

— Yes. That's why we have to keep it a secret.
You will act like nothing happened. You're good at acting, so I don't see a problem with it.
On these days, you will be your usual, cheerful Naruto who is hated by everyone but still wants to become Hokage.
But, at night, you will be training with me in the forest.
Got it?

Yes, I got it, but there's an issue.

— What is it now, kit?

How am I supposed to be up both day and night? I need to get some sleep every day!

— Right, I forgot you humans need sleep.
I will be just healing you and lending you some of my chakra now and then. That's the only way to help.

Fair enough.
But wait, you can heal me?

— Yes, I can do it. I've healed you many times, even if you quickly heal by myself.

So that's why...
Okay. I'm guessing that once I'm powerful enough, I just destroy the village, right?

— Yes, that's the plan. Any other questions? You need to get some sleep before tomorrow.

Right. The Academy. I still need to get back there. Iruka must be worrying. Not like I care.


— Since now you know about my existence, we can talk to each other however we want. You can think of me as a friend.

My heart skipped a beat. — So, you won't leave me like everyone else?-I asked in my mind

— I don't have a choice kit, so you can be sure that I won't leave you. Now go to sleep.

Okay. Goodnight Kurama.

— Goodbye Kit.


5 am. The alarm clock was never late.
I woke up feeling refreshed. I sat on my bed.
And that's when the memories from yesterday kicked in.
Kurama?! Destroying Konoha?! Secret training?!
That must be a dream come true! I could feel tears of happiness start to form. I can finally get revenge! They will regret treating me like I was worse than them!
But wait.
How can I be sure it wasn't a dream...-I frowned.

— Of course it wasn't, kit. I'm here after all.

— Kurama!- I screamed, probably waking up a few neighbors.

— Quiet, kit, you don't want them to know you know about me. The 3rd would've told you that you're a Jinchuriki, but he didn't.

Another reason to the list of why I despise this village, huh?

— There are probably a lot of reasons on the list, am I right?

Anyway, I'm going to school soon.
I promise I will act like nothing happened.

-You better. We wouldn't want to have to run away from the village because you accidentally said that your last training with a Kyuubi was so tiring.

I'm not that stupid, Kurama.

— We'll see about that.

I need to finally get ready for school.


When I walked into the Academy gates, every person who wasn't still in their class stared at me.
What, is there something on my face or something?- I thought

— It's probably because you haven't shown up in a few days- said Kurama.

I agreed with him in my mind and with hands behind my head I walked straight to my class.

When I opened the door, Iruka still wasn't there.
But, the rest of the class was.

When they saw me, almost all of them burst into laughter.
Especially Juubo, who also decided to tease me.
— Aww, the little demon finally stopped crying? Took you long enough, you freak!-he laughed, the whole class laughing with him.

And oh boy, I was angry.

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