Chapter 2: Metallo

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The next day, Liana goes to pay a visit to Tess and sees her using a staff to hit a punching bag

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The next day, Liana goes to pay a visit to Tess and sees her using a staff to hit a punching bag. Liana says, "Seriously, what is it with you and physical violence?" Tess turns around and says, "The last time you and I saw each other things did get a little... physical, didn't they?" Liana says, "And then what happened, Tess?" Tess says, "You don't remember?" Liana does remember, but she wants to know if Tess remembers. Liana says, "A three-week concussion can do that to you." Tess says, "When I came to, you were already gone. We never did get to finish what we started, though. Little rematch?" Liana says, "I won't fight you, Tess. I just came to tell you that I'm not leaving 'The Daily Planet.'" Tess smiles and says, "You were never leaving, Liana. Remember, I didn't fire you and I don't plan on it." Liana nods and says, "Well, I guess I'll see you at the office." Liana walks out the room. Later, Liana's at the Daily Planet on her computer when Randall comes up to her and says, "Welcome back, Lane. Where's Corben? I got an assignment for him." Liana says, "You mean God's gift to journalism? Five bucks says he's out stalking The Blur." Randall says, "Keep it for cab fare. I need you to head down to the hospital. Cover his story. Patient went on a rampage, destroyed the ER." Liana sighs and says, "Okay." Randall walks away and then Liana's phone rings. Liana answers it and says, "'Daily Planet'. Liana Lane, your first choice in reporting." Clark says, "I need some information." Liana says, "About what?" Clark says, "Something just happened at Metropolis General in the ER." Liana says, "I know all about it. I'm covering the story. Got any leads?" Clark says, "Not yet. I don't know the man's identity, but I do have his keys. I think he works at 'The Daily Planet.'" Liana says, "He works here? Do you want me to find out who's missing their keys?" Clark says, "No, I... I was just wondering if you may have noticed anyone who's--" Liana cuts Clark off and says, "I got this Clark." Clark sighs through the phone and says, "This is man is dangerous. He's some sort of superhuman cyborg with a meteor rock implanted in his chest. If you go near him, he'll weaken you." Liana says, "Then I won't go near him, but how are you gonna stop him, if you can't go near him either?" Clark says, "I'll find a way. Just meet me at the phone booth outside of the Daily Planet at 7:00." Liana softly smiles and says, "Okay." Later, Liana asks around a few people to see if they have their key and most of everyone does. A few hours later, it's nighttime and Liana walks back to her desk to see John and she says, "Well, it looks like the night shift finally clocked in. What happened to you?" John ignores her question and says, "Why do the electronic records in this place only go back a year?" Liana says, "I asked you question, what happened?" John snaps, "Where are the records?" Liana says, "Uh, it's a new system. They haven't transferred it all over yet. There's a hard copy of everything in the archive room. What are you looking for?" John breathes heavily and says, "The Blur. He didn't come out of nowhere, Liana. There must be some kind of origin story." John gets up and as he goes to leave, Liana says, "Maintenance crew's already been through there. Don't forget your keys." John says, "I need to borrow yours." Liana realizes that John's the superhuman cyborg. Liana says, "You don't have your keys?" Liana faces him and he chuckles and says, "I must have lost mine." Liana hands John her keys and says, "Keep them. I'll get them in the morning. It's late. I should go." Liana walks out the room and goes to the photobooth to meet Clark. Liana walks in the phonebooth just as it rings and she says, "Look, I know who he is. The man from the hospital, his name is John Corben." Clark says, "Liana, I asked you not to..." Liana says, "I know you did, but it just kind of happened. Please be careful. Corben has a supersized grudge against you." Clark says, "I'll be fine. Just promise me that you're headed home and not back to the office." Liana then gets taken by John and she gets weaken by the meteor rock. Later, with Liana and she looks at John and says, "Stay away from me." John walks forward and says, "I heard you. Liana, I heard you talking to him. So just tell me who The bur is... and I'll let you go. I promise I'll let you go." Liana walks backwards to keep her distance from John and says, "I already told you, I don't know. What happened to you?" John walks forward and Liana walks backwards, and John stops walking and says, "I'll show you." John takes off his shirt and Liana widens her eyes at his chest and John walks to Liana and says, "Who is he? Liana, who is he?" Liana walks backwards and says, "I don't know." John yells, "Who is he?" Liana uses her powers to freeze John's chest and she goes to run away. As Liana runs away and she hears John say, "Looks like I'm not the only one with powers." Liana runs into a dead end and she says, "Crap." John says, "You got nowhere to run." Liana faces him and ice comes out of her hands, and she says, "Just stay away from me." John smiles and says, "I can't do that." Then John runs up to Liana and grabs her by the throat and she feels so weak. Then Clark speeds in and says, "Get away from her!" John drops Liana and she's knocked unconscious. A few moments later, Liana wakes up to feeling someone carrying her and she looks up to see Clark and she softly says, "Clark." Clark looks down at Liana and says, "You're safe now, Liana. He won't bother you anymore." Liana softly smiles and leads her head against Clark's chest.

" Liana softly smiles and leads her head against Clark's chest

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The next day, Liana's at the Daily Planet and she walks by John's desk and puts his nameplate in the trash

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The next day, Liana's at the Daily Planet and she walks by John's desk and puts his nameplate in the trash. Liana sits at her desk and takes out Clark's nameplate and admires it. Liana hears a familiar voice say, "I'm gonna be needing that." Liana turns around and sees Clark and says, "You're back to working as a reporter?" Clark smiles and says, "Yes. I missed be being your partner." Liana smiles and hands Clark his nameplate and he puts it on his desk. Clark sits down at his desk, and he looks at Liana with a twinkle in his eye and he jokingly says, "Anything exciting happen while I was gone?" Liana says, "Well, you know the day in the life of Liana Lane, getting kidnapped by another super villain." Clark shakes his head at Liana, and he says, "I'm just glad you're okay." Liana says, "Me too. Think God, I don't have to see John again, even though I can take him, but you know only from a distance. I did use my powers on him, and it worked for a little while." Clark says, "Yeah, he was really strong, but lead took care of that." Liana laughs and says, "Yeah, thank God for lead." Clark smiles at hear Liana laugh because it's been a while since he's heard it and he's glad to be back at the Daily Planet with her.

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