☽ Death is never easy ☾

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My shoulder shake as my body wracks with sobs; all the guilt coming back and weighing me down. My chest aches and I sputter out apologies. "Sammy I'm so sorry! I never wanted you to get hurt and I should have tried harder with my powers! Gods I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm-" I frantically repeat. "Lana! It's ok!" Sammy grabs my face gently and pulls it from his chest. "Lils, I never blamed you okay? I put myself in that position. I wanted to protect you, even if I didn't do a very good job. And you know what? It was worth it. I've been able to see you open yourself back up and meet the loves of your life. I wish I could have been there but I would never change what I did."

My lip quivers again as a sob tries to release from my throat. "I still feel guilty.. and I killed that guy Sammy. I don't deserve your forgiveness and I definitely don't deserve to see you. I should be in hell burning or on the other side for the supernatural. But I should not be here with someone as pure as you" I mumble. He takes a deep sigh and rubs his hand gently across my face, making me look up to him. "Look Lana, I know you think you deserved your death but you didn't. I could honestly fight with you all day over that but we don't have time. Now I want you to think about something. Remember those legends the Blacks used to tell you about? There is a reason you're here with me and it's not just to catch up."

My eyebrows cinch together as I try to remember. "Yeah I remember it but I'm not a part of it. I know Carlisle thought so because of my black blood but there's no way I'm the Superno Regina." (Please wait till the end for a translation. I promise it's worth it). Sammy looks at me with a small smile on his face. "I'm glad you're still as stubborn as I remember you. I know you don't believe in those legends even if they are all true. But Lils, you have to believe. You have to leave here. You don't belong here but only you have to power to leave. And I know you don't want to leave me again but you have to." He's breathing heavy by the end of his speech and his face scrunches up in frustration.

I look into his eyes and start to tear up again. Quickly I shake my head and wipe the tears away. "I can't leave you Sammy! And I just died! Where else am I supposed to go?! I just want to be left in peace. I went through enough hardships Sam." My voice hardens towards then end and Sammy looks at me. "Sam really?" He asks with a eyebrow notched. I roll my eyes and turn away from him. "Look I know you're mad but you can not be here Illana. This place is for the dead and you are not dead. Well k mean you kind are but either way you don't belong here Lils."

My head whips back to him and I start getting angry. I feel a prickly sensation on my skin as I stand up but my anger doesn't fade. My eyes start tingling as well and suddenly lightning shoots from my hands. Sammy jumps out of the way, barely missing it and there's a huge hole that's smoking right where he was standing. I look down at my hands in horror to see them black and inky. "Oh gods! What the fuck is this?! Wha- I- Sammy oh gods I almost killed you again! What's wrong with me?!" My breathing gets erratic and I feel wind whipping against my face. Why is there wind in here?!

Her arms

Her arms

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