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Thank you all for the support and
reads! It is greatly appreciated. If you like this story go to my profile and read my
other Top Gun: Maverick story. The story is called The Seventh Player!

The plot follows the life of a middle
aged man with an undying hatred
for his father but undeniable love
for his "adopted" brother. In other words
it involves a male OC instead of a female
OC. Check it out and let me know what
you think!

If you don't want to read that story
that's okay. Be free to check out my other stories. One following Special Agent Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf and Criminal Minds crossover) and his exile from Beacon Hills. Just to find out after creating a life for himself he is sent back home to his home town for a case. Emotions are high, regret, betrayal, etc. follow his story in Cold Truths. There is a sequel to that book called Crimson if you're interested and follows the storyline between NCIS and Criminal Minds.

There are more stories, check the
profile! Once again thank you so much for your support and can't wait to see you again soon in my future short stories! Until then...


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