Step Two

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"Bandits are switching course to defend the target." A female voice detects.

"Rooster, where are you?"

"Come on, Rooster! Bandits inbound. We have to make up now! Let's turn and burn." Rooster doesn't respond; instead he maintains his speed.

As we round a corner my dad prepares us for the next thing coming. "Heads up, Phoenix." We pass through some pillars that nearly stun me. With wide eyes I look back then focus my attention back up front.

"Guys we're falling behind, we really got to move!"

"If we don't increase our speed right now those bandits are going to be waiting for us when we reach the target."

In a hushed voice I hear Rooster, "talk to me, dad."

"Come on kid, you can do it! Don't think, just do." I remember that phrase being said to me once or twice. Worked lovely in stressful times such as this one. That being said I apply his knowledge to the job we have to do.

"Jesus Rooster not that fast," I chuckle at Payback's response to him increasing speed.

"Trust your instincts Rooster, you got this," I say to him through the comms.

"That's it, kid, that's it."

With more confidence he levels his voice, "alright, let's go."

"Ay, Rooster, take it easy!"

"Alright, now hit your target and come home." Ugh, Admiral Simpson. I still don't like him.

"Thirty seconds to target. Viper, check your laser."

"Where to go complete, laser code verified. One six eight eight laser is a go," I respond proudly as our target gets closer.

"Watch your heads," Rooster warns.

"Holy shit! Shit!"

"Payback, are you with me?"

"Right behind you!"

We approach the mountain and I know this is step two. Phoenix, standby for pop up strike."

"Dagger-3 in position."

"Pumping in three, two, one..." and with that he strives upward and we follow. We inhale and exhale roughly as the incline tightens our chests causing us to grunt.

The second we hit we take our leave diving down the cliff. "Get me eyes on that target, Viper."

"Dagger-3! Standby, Mav!" I struggle to get a grip on the laser identifying the target.

"Come on, Viper, come on."

I groan in annoyance, "standby." At last it rings signaling the target is locked. "I got it, captured!"

"Target acquired, bombs away." He launches the strike immediately, pulling up right afterwards.

As we incline we do what we've prepared to do like in our training. Though the pressure increases. I watch the target as my vision begins to blur slightly but I keep it locked on. An explosion arises and I smile happily. "We got impact! Attack direct hit, direct hit!"

And that's a miracle number one. Now where the fuck are the others when you need them.

"Dagger-2 status!"

"Almost there, Mav. Almost there. Fanboy where is my laser?"

"Rooster there's something wrong with this laser. Shit! Deadeye, deadeye, deadeye!"

Fuck. "Come on guys we're running out of time."

My chest burns and my lungs clench together struggling to inflate and deflate. "Come on!" I hear a yell.

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