Oh Shit

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We get confirmation that the F14 is getting closer and closer but they are running into challenges. Radar picked up two bandits which initiated a dog fight. As they lost the bandits Rooster, in the back seat I presume, was able to get them in contact with the ship. Although it didn't last long until another bandit was spotted alarming them.

Hangman and I are sitting in our planes. He was given the approval to set off and help them out. Me, I was advised to stay back unless necessary. I knew the limits of the F-14 and considering they had a dog fight with two fifth generation fighters I knew they'd run out of ammunition and missiles as well as flares.

We glance at each other and as I put on my mask I say to him, "bring them home." He nods understandingly and in moments time his engines are fired off and he flies into the air running into their position.

I let out a rattly breath hoping for the best. The command center reaches me through my comms. "Dagger-Spare 2 there are two bandits west of Dagger-1. You have permission to intercept."

Finally, some action.

I roll out onto the runway preparing for take off. I turn on my engines and within a minute I am thrusted forward lifting off the ship. I head into the direction of the bandits watching them on my radar. I keep Rooster and Hangman in mind as two red dots are planted on my screen with a third nearest to my father.

"Dagger in pursuit of bandits. Kamanchi, radar check."

"Dagger, Kamanchi, bandits ten miles out coming fast."


Increasing my speed I fly higher closer to the clouds thinning the air. My plane connects me to the other too and I am happy when I see an explosion and one of our friendly F-18s come out of the smoke. I'm closer than anticipated. To my right I find the bandits flying east towards my dad, Rooster and Hangman.

In a cocky tone I hear, "good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your savior speaking, please fasten your seatbelts, return trade tables to their locked and upright positions, and prepare for landing."

"Hey Hangman, you look good."

Tears brim my eyes hearing my brother's voice for the first time in what feels like days. "I am good, Rooster, I'm really good."

"I'm glad you guys are okay," I say to them.


"The one and only," I turn roughly, coming over the top of one of the bandits. "As great as it is I need to take care of these bandits that are ready to intercept you guys."

There's a pause for a moment, "do you need a hand?"

I target lock on one of the bandits, releasing a missile blowing it to smithereens. They curse at the sight spotting me to the west. "Nope," I state blankly. I dive down avoiding the guns being shot at my tail. Swerving left and right I announce to the group, "get back to the base I'll see you back on deck."

They listen to the command and head back to base.

I won't lie, this is currently one of my fears. Solo mission in taking down bandits. It reminds me a lot of my mission seeing as I'm flying over the ocean. It's hard to push aside that reminder and focus on the task at hand.

I bolt south closer to the ship watching Hangman land safely back on deck and my father flying around it planning his plan of landing. Everyone rushes to bring up the barricade and lift the nets to catch them as they have no landing gear.

I pull my lever up and back, having me soar above the last bandit landing behind him. I take my shot shooting him with a missile in which he deflects with flares. "Seriously?" He takes a left as I follow, getting the upper hand on him. Using my guns I shoot rapidly, nicking him but it has no intense damage. I groan in frustration seeing as this is turning more difficult to complete. I manage to get a target lock once again, shooting him with my ammo. He does some weird pilot shit doing a three sixty spin looking like some weird ass cart wheel popping up a mile behind me. "Oh shit."

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