Small Note

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I already said this in the description but I feel like I should say it here too in more detail, just skip if you'd like.

It was an idea I had for awhile and the first two chapters I was getting really into it but, I then just felt the motivation go away. I first planned this to be a longer story but decided to make it faster paced as I wanted to finish it quickly. There's a ton of stuff I wish I added and if I feel motivated I might just rewrite it completely but, it's unlikely. When rereading it I also saw a ton of spelling errors so sorry abt that :,)

I usually go back and fix them but I really don't want to keep rereading and checking it so if you see in errors just ignore it. This isn't my best writing but, if you enjoyed it I have way better stuff most likely published by the time this is out.

Another thing I'd like to say like I also said in the description was I already finished the book but never published it and when I came back To Wattpad I fixed some chapters while completely rewriting others so if some chapters seem worse than others that why.

But yeah I just wanted to say these things in more detail!

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