" Is she his girlfriend? "

" I dont think so, she isn't even that pretty. "

" I know right. She doesn't fit in with BTS. "

V doesn't stop them even if he wants too but he carefully listens to their conversation.

" Maybe theyre relatives thats why theyre close. "

" But she doesn't look like any of them. "

" Maybe theyre business partners? "

" Whoever she is, I don't like her hanging around with BTS. "

V stands up from his seat and faces them. " Will you please shut up? " He politely asks them with a smile, but his emotion inside is the exact opposite. He was never the type to show his anger, instead he resolves it with a smile. Immediately, those people bow and walked away, ashamed of what theyve done.

V waves to Mina as a sign that he was leaving and she nodded. He walks around the campus with his hoodie on to hide a portion of his face. He continues to listen to people's conversations without them knowing.

" Do you know that girl thats always with BTS? "

" I heard that she is their classmate. "

" I also heard she's a new transferee. "

" She's just using them to be popular "

" Yeah. She's playing with them. "

" I saw her with Rap Monster one time by the lockers and it seemed like they had a very intimate moment! "

" Jinjja? I saw her with Jin too on the first day of school at the canteen. Jin was even holding her waist! "

" And then awhile ago, I saw V running while holding her arm! "

" Ugh. She's such a bitch. "

" A total slut. "

V walks off to another area from another to witness people talking about the same thing. Mina sure was a hot topic. He decided to go the music room to have peace. He couldn't defend Mina when people looked at her that way since they dont even know the real story.

He sighs and looks at Jungkook who was busy playing the piano with a lively melody. " Why are you so happy? " V asks Jungkook who has been smiling so much since yesterday.

" Is it wrong to be happy? " Jungkook counters while still playing the piano.

" Haven't you heard? " V asks the clueless one.

" Heard what? " Jungkook stops playing and worriedly faces V who was also so worried.

" The growing issue about Mina. " V answers while looking worriedly at Jungkook's eyes.

" What issue are you saying? " Jungkook asks with a raised eyebrow.

" Well, she's been the topic of everyone around the campus since she's always with us. " V explains.

" Its normal to be talked about. Don't worry too much. " Jungkook taps V's shoulder.

" It's normal for us, but what about Mina? She's having a bad reputation. " V answers clearly showing his care for Mina.

" Lets just talk this out when the others are around. " Jungkook suggests.

" Yeah sure. " V just agrees even when he was in doubt.

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