Mina sat on the 2nd row of seats and Suga had no choice but to sit beside her. It was better than sitting with the fumming Jimin and a clueless Jin at the back. It was much better than sitting with those energy filled maknaes with a jolly Jhope to add to the equation. For sure it would just piss him, to sit beside people who cant stay still for a second.

The ride was filled with silence. RM as expected of him quietly had his own world of music and looked straight on the road. Jungkook was busy looking outside the tinted glass as they passed by unfamiliar streets. V was harrassing his phone with such force in his fingers as he tapped on the game that he was playing. Jimin had his eyes closed and Jin fell asleep right beside him. The members were all occupied with their own stuff. Well except for Jhope who was busy annoying Suga.

" Will you stop it?! " Suga grew irritated and furrowed his eyebrows at Jhope.

" But I'm bored. " Jhope reasoned with that smile of his again.

" Can't you do something better?! " Suga raised his voice in annoyance.

" Whats better than annoying you? " Jhope reasoned while trying to contain his laughter but turned out into a wide smile.

" Ugh! " Suga loudly groaned and touched his temples, tired of pointlessly arguing with Jhope.

Mina woke up due to their noise with a not so good look on her face. " Will you shut up?! I'm trying to sleep here. "

" Tell Jhope not me. " Suga points out to Jhope who was behind him.

Jhope raises his hands up and surrenders " Fine, I'll do something else. " He grabs a bag of chips and starts to turn his attention to food to distract his boredome.

" Hey can I sleep in your lap? " Mina perks up.

" Do I look like a pillow? " Suga crosses his arms and his forehead creases.

" But my back hurts. " Mina reasons.

" Is it my fault your back hurts? " Suga countered.

" Technically, yes because you hit me with your paddling stick. " she counters at him with a proof.

Suga freezes as he recalls what he did. He was guilty of the act as he purposely hit her yesterday. He says no more and doesnt reply.

Mina considered his silence as an approval as she layed her head peacefully on his lap. He didn't dare move and glued his thighs together as he didn't want to wake up such a peaceful face.

After 3 hours, the silence broke. Some started whining and complaining what seems to be their problem.

RM starts off with a cuss and rips off his useless earphones " Sh*t. I hate dead batteries. "

" I want to pee! " V exclaims and sets aside his phone. Even the games he was playing didnt distract his call of nature.

" I'm out of food! " Jhope says as he rummages in his bag of wrappers, trying to find a chip that he left out.

Jin wakes up to their noise and reassures them with that angelic smile of his. " We'll reach a rest area soon. "

After a few minutes, they reached the rest area they've all waited for. Jhope opens the door of the van and runs to a food stall that caught his eye as they parked. V follows out and runs to the nearest rest room. Jungkook normally went out with no hurry as he had no reason to go out. Jin followed and slowly walked around the area. RM opens the his door and turns around before he leaves " Aren't you going out? "

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