Anirudh goes to london

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Anirudh's POV

I was leaving tomorrow but internally I did not want to. I didn't want to leave Tulsipur, my home, my family alone more importantly this time I would miss Bondita the most. 

"Pati babu...these also you keep" Bondita came from behind, I was leaving tomorrow and doing some last minute packing with her. "Pati babu listen."

"Yes bondita"

"Close your eyes."

"Hmmm ok." I heard her walk away somewhere and I waited patiently with my eyes closed until I heard the jingles of her anklets indicating she is close by.

"Ok open now." And in front of my stood Bondita with a cardigan. "I made this for you, it's not as good as the store brought ones but i wanted to make something for you. Something to remember me by, whenever you miss me you can hold this close to you. Although I doubt your studies will let you miss me" she laughed. 

Tears formed in my eyes, I held her shoulder's and made her sit. Cupping her face I lightly kissed her forehead. "Bondita, I am going to miss you so much. I am going to try to finish my degree earlier so I can return as soon as possible."


Bondita's POV

I was trying to be strong for him, I did not want to get in his way of success. By doing his advanced studies he could prosper so much more, help so many people and make a big name for himself. 

"Pati is a pride for me to be your wife. You are my guroor. Study hard and return soon okay." I replied. 

The rest of the night, we laid in each other's embrace. It was our last night together or atleast it felt like that until he would return in a couple of years. I wanted to be in his comfort, I wanted his scent to remain in this room until he returned. It would be more than enough to last me for 3 years. 


Narrator's POV

The next morning was hard for the family. Binoy accompanied Anirrudh to the port. Bondita refused on going as she knew she would not be able to control herself. After bidding everyone a goodbye and taking their greetings. Anirudh finally came to Bondita. 

"Take care of yourself" he said as he cupper her face. A bold move to make in front of his family but then again, his family had been in this situation before but it was the first time for Bondita. Things were finally starting to get better for them and now they were parting. 

"You too. Write me when you reach."

"I will" and with that the couple parted ways and Anirudh loaded his stuff in the car. Bondita ran away in tears. 

"Bahu and Anirudh were starting to get together. This Binoy also, why did he have to suggest for further education. He was doing good, he could have focused in his grihasti now." KSJ replied in annoyance.

"Kaka, let it be. We should keep boudi happy and engaged for these next few years." Som said. 


Three years was a hard time for the couple. They tried to convey their feelings through the letters. Anirudh living alone, had slowly realized how much Bondita had meant to him. His respect, admiration and love grew for her. Returning to Bondita is what kept him going, he hustled harder and harder just to make Bondita proud and return to her soon. On the other hand, Bondita could not wait for her pati babu's arrival. She counted days until his return. She had more of a advantage because in the mornings the family would keep her busy, she would be occupied with school work and household work. But at nights, she missed him. 

Precap: I laid my eyes on her, and for the first time in years, I blushed. I had to keep my limits. 


I am back guys, sorry for the cut off. I will finish this story soon and start new ones. 

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