S1 ‹Erwin Smith: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 4›

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[Jean]: We're changing positions, Armin..-Jean exclaims, turning to him with the blades in his hands. Armin nods and the two jump down and flies off. Eventually, everyone else follows as a Titan who was climbing up the tree watches them flee- This guy's starting to figure it out. It seems like they keep getting better at climbing..-Jean mutters as everyone lands on the next tree branches-

[Armin]: It just shows they're capable of learning. Alarmingly so. Some are better than others, I'm sure..

[Jean]: Armin..It sounds like something's happening out in the forest, and I think I've got a good idea what it is..-He peers over his shoulder, sweating a bit- They lured that female-form Titan all the way out here in order to capture it...-Armin tenses up while Jean continues- Well, more precisely... To capture the person inside of it. That was Commander Erwin's goal...


[Y/n]: So that was his plan from the start! That's it, right?..-She asks Petra, looking at her. (Y/n), Eren and the rest of Levi's Squad were standing on the huge branches of a Tree, letting their horses rest from hauling so much. Eren stares at her for a few seconds before looking away from (Y/n) and looking at the sky-

[Eren]: I can see why he kept it a secret from us new recruits, but why wouldn't he tell you, when you've all been with the Recon Corps for so long?..-He asks, referring to Eld, Gunther, Petra, and Oluo-

[Oluo]: Shut up!..

[Petra]: Are you implying the Commander and the Captain don't trust us?..

[Eren]: But that's exactly what this means...

[Oluo]: Petra, rip out his teeth, then swap the incisors with the molars and shove 'em back in!..-Oluo screams, pointing his blade at Eren while Eld was looking at everything with his arms crossed-

[Eld]: No, Eren's right on the mark..-Oluo lowers his sword, looking at him in confusion. Everything was silent, Oluo frowned and sweated a little-

[Gunther]: Like what?..-Gunther blurts. Eld takes a glimpse at him before looking down-

[Eld]: There's only one reason he wouldn't trust his fellow soldiers- He looks back up at them- Two people who can become a Titans, or a spy working for such people, has infiltrated our ranks..

[Jean]: You think so too, right? It has to be one of us...-Armin nods-

[Armin]: I agree..

The two look over at the climbing Titan, who struggles to gain its balance against the trees.

[Gunther]: A spy? You really think so?..

[Eld]: At any rate, the Commander has suspicions of his own. I'd imagine the only soldiers who knew of the plan were those who survived with him from five years ago..

[Gunther]: So that's it..-He nods, piercing his lips together, Oluo had his eyes closed for a brief moment as he states-

[Oluo]: No doubt..-He opens his eyes and turns to the Titan Shifter- Understand, Eren, (Y/n)?..

[Eld]: Then, this spy killed Sawney and Bean?..-Eld crosses his arms, leaning against the tree- 

[Petra]: Back then, the Commander asked me about that...-She states while Eren flinches, spacing out as the question the Commander asked him wonders into his head-

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