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I came back to my senses at the police station and sit up for a police officer to jump out of his skin, he talks into his radio as I rub my head from the pain.

God, what the fuck happened?

My leg was in a cast and I was covered in my own blood that had dried on me, I looked a mess in all honesty from what I could see.

The door swung open and I look up to see Jim Gordan, I knew he often worked with Batman and often found myself researching them which sounds odd.

"I hope your feeling better, Y/N." Jim speaks.

He genuinely seemed to care as I tried to focus on him but my mind was still racing, it was like I was in hyperfocus to the point that my brain was taking too much information in.

"Feel brand new." I joke.

Jim raised a brow at this comment as I smile at how funny I found my own comment, maybe I was slightly delirious as I didn't even notice Batman stood in the corner.

The police officers hated him being there but there was no way of contacting Ghost and any attempt they made had failed, it was aggravating to say the least.

"We took a look at your security footage, I hope you don't mind. However, once we saved the footage it was corrupted on your device." Jim continues.

I didnt care that Jim had security footage as I didn't have cameras on when I was messing with Ghost and I didn't have cameras in the locations I walked around in as Ghost, I had to fight the temptation to just flop into bed with the suit on due to fear of something like this happening.

But my footage being corrupted, weird.

"Corrupted? That's never happened before-" I mumble to myself.

Jim nodded and seemed to be trying to read my expressions, it was clear my mind wasn't in the right place but that didn't matter to anyone in the room at the moment expect maybe for one dressed as a bat.

"Very unusual espically to say it would of been valuable, we think someone hacked into it. Maybe the person who attacked you." Jim explains.

The person who attacked me?

I was attacked, why was I so badly injuried then?

I know how to defend myself, I've trained for years to be able to defend myself in those situations.

My body wouldn't be in such terrible condition from a simple attack or most types of attacks, I tool classes and went to training for this shit.

"Y/N." A voice speaks up.

It snaps me out of my thoughts but makes me jump at the same time, I didn't realise how bad my injuries were.

"We'll need you to-" Jim begins to speak again.

However, someone had other plans.

The doors slammed open for some police officers to be trying to hold someone back as paramedics stood behind them, Jim rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh as he turned to look.

The fucking mayor?

No way did Don Mitchell come to 'break me out of prison'.

"Jim, we have to let them go. They clearly aren't in a stable condition." A paramedic spoke up.

My head was racing and all the new, different and sudden increase in voices thre me off, it caused my head to spin and to feel sleepy again.

God, what the hell happened.

My hands were on my head again as I winced at the pain and Batman had his eyes locked on me, it was clear he wasn't sure if he should let me go or try to keep me here to try and get something out of me.

But, what use would I be if I couldn't even remember due to the shock I was in?

I pushed myself to the edge and pulled myself to stand but fell to the floor out of pain from putting weight in my broken leg, I bit my tongue to suppress the pain as I held back tears.

Fuck, that hurt.

Someone kneeled to the floor and threw my arm over their shoulder to help me stand, my broken leg hovered above the floor and I see it was Batman was the one supporting me out of the corner of my eye.

Jim seemed surprised by Batman's sudden caring nature but it seemed we were thinking the same, we both knew that they wouldn't get anything if I was injuried to this extent.

I hopped over to the paramedics and the Mayor with Batman, Don quickly helps me stand to replace Batman as no one truly trusted him as the paramedics rushed to look at my injuries.

Don death stared Batman but I turned to look at him with a weak smile on my face.

"Thank you." I muttered.

Batman nodded and stepped away as paramedics took me away to rush me into hospital, I passed out no longer after we go into the hospital.

All I know is that Don refused to leave my side and would argue with the workers saying I was the closest family I had, he wasn't wrong and at this point I did consider him a father because he wasn't anything like he was in the public eye.

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