Situation #1

951 6 2

can i ask something? my bf ask to give him space and time for himself? what does it mean? are we cool off? or what? is there any possibilities we'd be getting back together?

Question by: zaybisquera

Zay, if he asked you for some time then give him. Sometimes there are people who needs some time for themselves because there are things that they need to sort out. Maybe its their feelings or personal problems. Just think positive and believe in him. Believe in your love. If he choose to let you go after your cool off then let him go too. Because sometimes there are things that you cannot predict even though you know that you love each other so much that it can also break your heart. Ask him if there's something wrong. Talk to each other because if you won't then you wouldn't know what's wrong. Just think positive but don't expect because expectations can sometimes disappoint you :)


Please message me for more questions. I'd be glad to help you and please don't hesitate to ask me. Thank you!


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