25: new visitor

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Three weeks flew by like it was just yesterday since the clan was attacked, Noritoshi was gone with the rest of the gourp most of the time, dealing with the higher ups and also Mahito. 

Appereantly he is planning to get his hands on all Sakuna's fingers, he and his little group of cursed spirits want his vessel, Itadori, for their own use.

You stayed with Mitsuki and Mari, sometimes talking with the students, they seemed kind and tought you more about cursed spirits and cursed energy. But you would be lying if you said you didn't miss him. 

You went from seeing him 24 hours to seeing him maybe every other day.

"Let me braid you hair" Mari walked behind you and brushed your hair.

"Can I ask you something?" You hesitated but finally asked her, since she was the only "older" female here, and also the only one you considered more like a mother.

"Go ahead"

"Can you tell me more about Noritoshi?" You looked down at your hands.

She let out a small laugh

"Well, I don't know if I told you this, but his mother was a consort, since Mr. Kamo's wife died after givig birth to Mitsuki. He grew up with a lot of pressure, not just because he was the next one in line but also because some higher ups didn't consider him as the next leader, because his mother was a consort and not with royal blood." She paused shaking her head as to disagree with the higher ups.

"He didn't have a normal childhood and his father was really strict, forcing him to train all day so he could master his cursed energy. And for a long time that's what he always focused on, training." She tied the end of your hair with a light blue ribbon.

Your eyes almost teared up after listening to his story, no one deserves that.

"Now let me ask you a question?" Mari patted your shoulder and walked around the chair, now facing you.

"Do you love him?" 

Her question caught you by surprise, and you looked down again.

"I do, I love him so much that it hurts sometimes and I don't know why" 

She took your hands in hers.

"Love hurts, but that's only because you care so much for the other person" She gave you a small smile and walked out of the room, leaving you with your thoughts.


You walked down to the garden, in a few weeks it's going to be spring, it was still cold but it no longer snowed. You sat next to the frozen pond, the ice slowly melting away as you stared at the small fish swimming under the thin ice, wondering how they are still alive.

The sudden crunch behind you brought you back from your cloudy mind, you quickly turned around seeing a guy, you have never seen before. There was something eerie about him, either his dark blue kimono or his long black hair.

"Who are you?" You stood up.

"hmm, it's not important" he gave you a smile, which was definitely ill-intentioned.

He walked closer, too close, you tried to step back, if you took another step you would fall into the pond.

"You are not from this world" He whispered.

You frowned 

"Did you forget the day you woke up under that pretty sakura tree?" He brushed his cold long finger up your arm, till he reached your face, gently caressing your cheek with the back of his hand.

Noritoshi Kamo x reader //Sakura\\Where stories live. Discover now