3: dinner

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It was around time for the geusts to arrive and you straightened your kimono and stood still at the corner of the room.

Soon the door opened and you with some other girls bowed at the geusts and mr. Kamo, you quietly looked up while you were still bowing, in walked a few elderly men that looked like they were some important people, Mr. Kamo and of course his son.

They all sat on the floor around the table and started their conversation.

The girl next to you quietly nudged your arm.

''now we serve the food'' she whispered and nodded towards the geusts.

You nodded back and walked towards the table with your eyes still on the floor.

You were not allowed to look at them directly since it was considered rude, so you tried to avoid any eye contact.

You kneeled on the floor and took one of the food plates and started to serve the food. Your hands were shaking and you were clearly nervous.

After serving one of the geusts you moved to the next plate.

Next person was mr. Kamo (the father).

Shit, not the head of the house.

You grabbed his plate and filled it with delicouse looking food. Your stomach growled but thankfully because of the conversation that was happening in the room noone heard it.

You were about to fill his bowl with hot miso soup but because you were so nervous the bowl slipped from your fingers and crashed on the table, some of the soup got on mr. Kimono's clothes and he quickly pushed you away.

''I-I'M SO SORRY'' you bowed at him while still being on the floor and your heart started to pound harder, then the room got awfully quiet.

''What the- DO YOUR JOB PROPERLY, ugh now my clothes are ruined, I'm very sorry for this'' He yelled at you and apologized to the geusts. Your shoulders tensed up, and you were too scared to even make the slightest move.

''I'm very sorry for this, I will teach her some lessons'' the head of the kitchen bowed and glared at you.

She took you by your arm and dragged you out of the room.

''You useless girl'' she slapped you hard on the face and you felt hot tears roll down your cheeks.

''I'm very sorr-'' but she slapped you again, she was the total opposite from Mari. 

''I'm not the one you should be apologizing to, you humilated mr. Kamo infront of his geusts. Your punishment will be 50 hand lashes, Mia bring my bamboo stick''

You looked at her with wide eyes as more tears started to roll down your cheeks.

I hate it here, why did I end up here?

The girl brought her bamboo stick and you were forced to put your hand out.

She held the stick up and with a sudden whipping you felt a stinging pain on the palm of your hands.

''That's what you get for being so clumsy''

She hit you around 25 times, you couldn't feel the pain anymore since your hands were too numb from the pain. There were already some cuts that were starting to bleed.

She was about to give you another hit when a male voice stopped her.

''THAT'S ENOUGH'' Noritoshi walked into the room and everyone bowed at him.

''Mr. Kamo, I'm very sorry but she deserves to get a proper punishment for what she has caused''

''Everyone, leave the room'' His voice was cold and stern.

Everyone except you left the room and Noritoshi sighed and walked towards you.

''I'm very sorry'' You were about to bow at him but he stopped you.

''It's ok'' He shook his head and faced you with his closed eyes.

He came closer and took your hand in his. You tensed up for a second but relaxed your shoulders again as he started to wipe the blood away with a tissue.

''He is alway like this, don't mind him'' he looked at you as he opened one of his eyes. The red blood appeared once again around his gray eyes.

''My father is always mean, so don't get too worked up'' He looked at your hands again and wrapped it with a white cloth.

''Thank you'' You bowed at him.

He just nodded and walked out of the room, leaving you alone.

Maybe he is not that bad.

''Omg, are you ok?'' Mari came into the room once Noritoshi left and looked at your hands.

''ugh that Himari bitch, she thinks she is the big boss around here'' Mari scoffed and cursed Himari.

''I heard from one of the girls about what happened, are you ok?'' Mari squeezed you shoulder.

''Yeah, I'm fine'' you smiled at her.

''good to hear it, let's call it a day, I will show your bedroom and you can rest for today'' She gave you a warm smile and you followed her.


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