22: enemy

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One week has passed and you were still his "maid" but most of the time you stayed in his office with him or in your room with Mitsuki. 

He didn't take you to the training anymore, out of fear that the spy might be there.

At first you were dissapointed but you could understand.

You were in your room with Mitsuki, painting cups and coasters, when the door flung open.

"There is an attack" One of the maids screamed, the cup in your hand slipped down your fingers, shattering into small pieces.

"What?" Mitsuki stood and grabbed her knife, you didn't even know she carried a knife with her.

"Where is Noritoshi?" You didn't even care that you called him by his first name infront of the maid, your heart pounded hard as you thought about him and the fact that he could be in danger.

Before she could say a word, blood spilled down her mouth, a knife sticking out her stomach.

Both you and Mitsuki screamed when her lifeless body collapsed down, behind her standing was a man, who you were way too familiar with.

"Naoya Zenin?" Mitsuki greeted her teeth and lunghed forward with her knife, but before she could do anything, he smacked the side of her head, she collapsed down, not standing up anymore.

"MITSUKI" You screamed

"Why? What do you want?" You stepped back, your back hitting the wall behind you, once you saw him coming closer.

He dragged the bloody knife up your arm, leaving red marks on your sleeve.

"Please, is this because I refused to be your maid?" You were ready to go with him if it meant that everyone else would be safe.

"You think I would do all of this because of a maid?" He let out a hysterical laugh.

"Then why-" It suddenly hit you.

"You are the spy?" You hissed at him.

All the times he showed up to this house, even when there was no reason for him to be here, now it all makes sense, he was spying for Mahito.

"Why is Mahito after me?" 

"Because of Noritoshi" He whispered into your ear and sunk the knife into your stomach.

"No" its all you could say before everything went black.

Noritoshi's POV

One second i was discussing informations with my men and the next second there was already bloodshed.

Everything happened so fast and all I could think about at that moment was why I left her alone.

I take another arrow and cover it with my blood, shooting it at whoever is attacking us. They are all kind of cursed spirits, from grade 5 to 1. 

"Mahito" I greet my teeth and slay the other closer spirits with my dagger.

"Take cover" I shout as more grade 1 spirits enter through the curtain.

As much as I hate to say it, we need to get out of here.

"Ready the horses we need to get out of here" I command my men and run back into the house, I just need to get Y/N and Mitsuki out of here.

I run down the corridors, my heart pounding faster the more lifeless bodies I discover.

They will pay for this.

I finally reach the maid rooms and my heart sinks when I see Y/N door open, infront of it a maid laying in a pool of blood.

"Y/N" I whisper and storm into the room.

My legs give up the moment I see the scene that was folding infront of me.

Mitsuki and Mari hovered over Y/N's lifeless body, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Noritoshi" Mitsuki cried out, her face bruised and a small cut on her cheek.

"We need a doctor" She tells me, but I'm too shocked to stand up.

You should have never left her alone

"NORITOSHI" Mitsuki yelled my name, bringing me back to the cruel reality.

"We need to get out of here" I finally stand up running to her body, I press one hand on her wound and lift her up with my other hand. We run down the hallway, Mitsuki infront of us, and Mari next to me.

"It was Naoya" Mitsuki cried out while killing the spirits that entered the house.

"What?" I say baffeled

"It was him, he stabbed her"

I will kill him, skin him, give him the most painful death

"I should have killed him the moment he laid eyes on her" I whisper and look down at Y/N, her lips turning blue

"No, please don't leave me" I hold her closer to my body.

"She has lost too much blood" Mari looks concerned.

"Mitsuki, guard us" I stop and lay her down, taking the last blood pack from my sleeve.

"What? I can't kill all of them"

"Yes, you can"

"That's not enough" Mari injects the needle into Y/N's arm.

I take another needle and inject it into my arm and connect the other end with her needle.

"Now lets get out of here"

Mari looks at me, worried for a second but obeys me.

I throw Y/N over Aiko, her once white fur now covered with blood.

Mitsuki takes her horse with Mari behind her.

We galop towards the forest and leave the house with the curtains still up, the spirits didn't follow us. 

"It looks like the curtain just attracks the spirits into it" Mitsuki looks back.

I look down at Y/N feeling dizzy.

"Mr. Kamo, you need to stop, or you will die because of blood loss" Mari yelled behind me.

After we were far away from the house, I stop everyone.

"HALT" I yell

"Is the family doctor here?" I look at the few people left from my clan.

"Yes, sir" our family doctor steps out.

"She has been stabbed, please save her" I lay her down on the snow covered ground

my heart aches

I can't lose her

The doctor lays his hand on her stomach, blue glow emitting from his palms, his healing energy.

I look at her long eyelashes resting on her cheeks, with my finger I brush the falling snow from her face.

don't leave me

"Mr. Kamo, please, you need to take out the needle from your arm" 

"No, I will give her my blood till she wakes up, even if it's all of it" 

That was the last words leaving my lips when suddenly everything went black


Thank you for reading <3 and sorry for the late updates 

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