Chapter #6 Training

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Naruto had gone to check on Hinata, he left after confirming that she would be all right. She had told him that they would release her later that day. They had drawn the match-ups before they left, Naruto vs Neji, Shikamaru vs Temari, Gaara vs Dosu, Kankuro vs Shino, and Sasuke vs Sakura.

Naruto scoured the village, searching for his sensei, they needed to work out a training schedule for Kakashi to train them all individually.

Naruto had finally found his hero at Training Ground 7, he was staring at the memorial stone with his book in hand.

"Kakashi-Sensei?" Kakashi turned to his blonde student. "You've come to ask me to train you for the month?"

"Well..." Naruto didn't like the way Kakashi sagged his shoulder. "Sorry, Naruto. But I'll be training Sasuke for the month. I've picked out a trainer for you and Sakura, Sakura has already met with her's. Come here tomorrow at the normal time and I'll introduce you to the person I hand-picked for you." 

Naruto had held himself together until Kakashi had left, Naruto fell to his hands and knees in tears. Sasuke. Sasuke. Sasuke. It's always Sasuke. It was true that the Uzumaki and Uchiha had become friends and their rivalry had become more friendly, but it hurt the blonde that their sensei preferred his black-haired teammate. 'It makes sense though, Sasuke did far better than me during the Bell Test, he had touched a bell after all. It makes sense that Sensei would favor him.' Naruto thought as he threw his mask at a tree, causing it to crack a little. Walking over to it, he picked it up. Naruto was surprised that it had survived that punch by Lee. Naruto punched the tree his mask hit with his other hand, destroying a portion of it, and making it fall over. Naruto fell back to his knees as it started to rain. How long was he out here? What time was it? He didn't care. He wanted to die. For the rain to flood him, to drown him. He momentarily considered correcting Kakashi's two mistakes with his kunai, however, before he could make a decision, a voice distracted him.

"Naruto-Kun?" Hinata asked worriedly. Naruto wondered what she was doing here as he distinctly remembered leaving the training ground and moving to the forest. As Naruto looked her in the eyes, it was her reaction that told him he had his right eye open and reminded him he hadn't put his mask back on.

"Sharingan?" Hinata whispered as she saw Naruto's eyes. She then took notice of his tears, crouching down beside him, she hugged him, surprised that she was bold enough to do such a thing. Naruto clutched Hinata like she was his last lifeline. Had he ever hugged anybody before? Naruto wondered if he would ever feel this again. Is this what he's been missing his whole life? Naruto cried into Hinata's shoulder for over an hour, while she caressed him as she whispered to him.

It was ten before Kakashi arrived with a woman with purple hair in Anbu armor. Naruto had a sudden flashback to when Kakashi saved his life as an Anbu operative. 

"Uzumaki Naruto meet Uzuki Yugao, she's the current captain of my old Anbu team. She'll be teaching you for the next month." Naruto bowed at her. "Hello," Yugao gave a half-hearted wave.

"What will she be teaching me?" Naruto asked Kakashi, off-put by her blank expression.

"Habit from years in the Anbu," Kakashi informed Naruto. "As for training, I've noticed you've acquired a Katana from the Forest of Death, so I asked the best person available to teach you how to use it. Yugao is second only to Hayate in Kenjutsu." Yugao gave a sheepish smile at Kakashi's praise, true or not it was still surprising to be praised by Kakashi.

"Hayate? You mean the proctor?" Naruto asked as Yugao smiled. "He's my boyfriend,"

Naruto nodded, having no other response to that. "Well, I'll leave you to it." Kakashi took his leave. "So what should I call you? Yugao-Sensei? Uzuki-San? Neko?" Yugao's eyes widened at his last suggestion. "A sensor, huh? You can call me what you want."

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