Chapter #5 Chunin Exams

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After everyone was given a number that correlated to the seat they were to sit in, and the exam tests were given to everybody, the proctor addressed them. "I am Morino Ibiki, and I will be your proctor for this exam. The rules are simple, so pay attention, I won't repeat myself. Firstly, this is a team event, whether you pass or fail you do it as a team, you also score and lose points as a team, as well. There are ten questions in total, and each team starts with ten points, for every question you answer wrong will be deducted a point. If you're caught cheating, two points will be deducted per catch, if your team has five deductions you and your team will be disqualified. Also, the tenth question won't be asked until fifteen minutes before the exam ends. I almost forgot that if you fail to answer a single question right, you'll fail your team. You have sixty minutes, BEGIN!"

Naruto frowned as he read the exam questions. 'I don't know a single answer on this paper, even with all intelligence training Shikamaru helped me with.' Naruto noticed that the person in front of him was starting to write in rapid succession. 'Cheating! He wants us to cheat. Chunin's go on information gathering missions, so the objective is to cheat without getting caught. Sakura had the highest test scores when it came to written tests, so I don't need to worry about her. Sasuke is pretty smart, I'm sure he can find a way to cheat without getting caught if he can't figure out the answers on his own. As long as I can get at least one question right, we should be okay.'

"Naruto-Kun." Naruto turned to the right at the timid whisper. Hinata was discreetly showing her paper, which had at least eight answers filled in with detail, to him. Naruto was surprised. She had answered so many so quickly. 'Hinata could get in trouble for this, yet she wants to help me?' Naruto could feel his cheeks and neck burn slightly. "I appreciate the offer, but I wouldn't feel right if you got in trouble for helping me, or if I passed on someone else's account. Good job answering so quickly though, I'm very impressed." Hinata blushed and turned away from Naruto as he opened his right eye. Naruto almost slapped himself. With the Sharingan, Naruto noticed all these tell-tale signs coming from Hinata, they were almost identical to what he saw from Sasuke's fan girls.

'I never even considered that maybe she would like me like that. Maybe I'm misinterpreting it? But what if I'm not. Naruto contemplated the idea of being romantically involved with the girl next to him as he copied the pen movements of the person in front of him, having an answer for all nine of his questions.

As the proctor called time, Naruto decided that he would ask Hinata out after the exams, maybe even before that if the opportunity presented itself. Naruto refocused when he heard Temari shout. "Of course, we'll take the final question, what kind of question is that?"

'He's giving us a way out? Why would he do that- Oh, I see. It's to test our resolve.' Naruto then started laughing, it had begun as a small chuckle but gradually grew to resemble a psychotic cackle making everyone shiver.

Ibiki smirked at the masked blonde. 'It seems he's figured it out, but I hope he won't ruin my fun.' When Naruto stopped laughing he made eye contact with the proctor. "My apologies, I just thought of something really funny. Please proceed." Naruto nodded at him to continue his psychological torture.

"Now if you agree to take it and get the question wrong, then you'll forever be stuck as a Genin, you'll be prohibited from ever taking the Chunin exams ever again." There was a clamor of disagreements, Ibiki silenced them all with a stare. "Well this year you have me, I guess it's your just misfortune." Naruto coughed to keep himself from laughing again, something Ibiki, Hinata, Sasuke, and Sakura took notice of.

Once 70 percent of the teams gave in, Ibiki gave the ones still standing one last chance to turn tail, but they stood their ground. "Congratulations, you all pass."

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