Chapter 4

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Sean was the most vibrant person I had ever met. Everything he talked about, he did so with vivacity and charisma. He asked me loads of questions about the market, as though he'd never been before. And then once he figured out that I was buying ingredients for a bakery, he asked me loads of questions about baking. 

Most of what I was doing at the market was placing orders to be delivered later in the week so there really wasn't much for Sean to gallantly carry, but he seemed perfectly content to follow me around and talk my ear off about anything and everything. 

"So tell me more about yourself." He said to me after I'd finished up with the woman who sold eggs. "Your name is Cindy, you work in a bakery. What do you do when your not baking?"

"Um...I don't spend very much time outside of the bakery." I responded, vaguely embarrassed. 

"You work in the bakery every day?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm the only baker so I'm there from open to close every day." I answered.

"The only baker??" He seemed absolutely flabbergasted. 

"Yes," I laughed a little at his reaction. "It's not that bad, honestly, it's a pretty small store."

"Still, that seems like an awful lot of work for one person." He frowned. "What about today?"

"We're closed on Sundays so that's when I do all the shopping and prep work for the week." 

"So you never go out with your friends?" He asked. "Or with a boyfriend?"

"No time for friends. Or boyfriends." I said, this time I was really embarrassed. "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" He put his hand to his heart as if wounded. "Can't I be sad that such an interesting girl has no friends."

"Interesting?" I asked. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"No not like that!" He exclaimed. "Interesting like interesting! Like cool to talk to, and smart, and beautiful. Like a real and genuine person."

"Oh." I was sure I was blushing again. "Well in that case, you're quite interesting yourself."

He grinned that luminescent grin of his and seemed about to say something else when there was a shout. We both looked over to see two men in suits waving like crazy. 

"Oh shit, those are my body guards!" Sean grabbed my hand, "Come on!" With a crazy laugh he dragged me forward and we ran away from the men. 

Sean dropped me off in front of my bakery a few hours later. I couldn't keep the smile off my face and I couldn't remember the last time I'd had so much fun. 

"So this is it huh? The famous bakery." Sean looked up at the store front. "I'll have to come by some time when you guys are open."

"Yes, please do." I said. He smiled down at me. 

"Until next time gorgeous." He bent low into a bow and took my hand to place a gentle kiss on the back of it that sent butterflies racing through my stomach. I watched him walk back the way we came, towards the marked. 

"Who was that?" Kylie stuck her head out the door. "He was cute. You should introduce us."

Fighting the wave of jealousy inside of me at her words, I said "That was Sean, I just met him."

"Mom's here." She told me, turning her back on me and going back through the door to the shop. "She'd been waiting for you."

Oh. Great. 

I caught the door before it swung shut behind Kylie and entered the store. 

Matilda was an intimidating woman at her nicest. She stood tall and proud, with thick, graying hair pulled back into an updo, ice cold eyes that could piece anyone's soul, and thin, pursed lips that were currently pulled down in disapproval.

"Where have you been?" She snapped. "I expected you back an hour ago. What have I said to you about dawdling?"

"I'm sorry." I replied. "I was at the market, placing orders for ingredients."

"And this boy? Was he a part of that to?" She asked, her eyes narrowing into slits. 

"I met him at the market, he offered to carry my bags." I answered.

"You skank." Matilda snapped. "You think I buy that for a second? It's obvious to me that you wasted company hours by entertaining this man. You think I pay you just so you can spend your time spreading your legs? Yeah right. You can forget about getting paid today."

"But I'm telling the truth!" I exclaimed. "I really did just meet him!"

"Liar!" She cried. "You think your father would be happy with what you've done? Pretending to be out shopping and instead seeing men? So much for 'making daddy's vision come to life' or 'preserving what daddy built' or any of that other crap you go on and on about. And did you even think about me? What people would think if they saw my employee running about with strange men all over them? If you weren't my only employee, I would fire you."


"No backtalking!" She practically snarled. "Just get back to work you lazy bitch. Or I won't pay you tomorrow either. Good luck paying rent if you keep acting like this." She brushed past me, knocking her shoulder against mine. Kylie followed her, giggling at my sullen expression. 

"Sucks to suck bitch." She muttered to me. "What would poor daddy think." She mimed crying. "I'll tell you: He'd think 'Wow, I have such a useless daughter. The only thing she's good for is working in the kitchen where no one can see her and no one has to be bothered by her presence.'" She laughed again and followed her mother out the door. 

Cindy - A Sweet Reverse Harem Cinderella RetellingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt