Chapter VII

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After Clan Khan's failed attack on the Royal Palace, all out civil war broke out. Across Mandalore, Bo Katan's Mandalorians clashed against Maul's forces. Caught in the middle was Clan Khan. As civil war gripped all of Mandalore, Sienna Khan attempts to contact Count Dooku, but was unable to establish contact with the Separatist Head of State. Blake could see that the situation was spiraling out of control. But what troubled her most were Maul's words. It was clear to her that there was something very wrong happening behind the scenes. As Blake reflected on this, Sienna approaches her.

Sienna: I'm not reaching Dooku.

Blake: So we're on our own?

Sienna: Mandalore would've been ours had you not hesitated.

Blake: If we kept going, we would've been wiped out! Are you so blinded by your ambition that you're willing to throw caution to the wind!

Sienna: My ancestors fought alongside Mandalore The Ultimate during the Mandalorian Wars! And when those pacifist cowards took over Mandalore, Clan Khan remained and fought them tooth and nail! You should beg for forgiveness and nothing else, Belladonna!

At this point, it became clear to Blake that Sienna Khan's ambition to take over Mandalore was slowly making her unstable. And with these string of recent defeats, Blake feared that Sienna Khan would endanger everything.

Sienna: Make no mistake, Belladonna. These defeats....they won't stop me, and you should be more grateful your punishment was not more severe. 

Blake: Something about all of this is out of place! Maul's words indicated that there's something bigger at play. 

Sienna: They're nothing but ramblings of a deranged outsider who seeks to hold power for as long as he can. You assume too much.

Blake: My father taught me to trust my instincts above all else and my instincts tell me that something is wrong! 

Sienna: It doesn't matter. My spies report that Bo Katan is attempting to get the Republic involved to try and oust Maul. I never expected someone like Bo Katan to go running to our sworn enemies. But I guess she's lost her spirit with Pre Vizsla. But we'll deal with Bo Katan later. For now, we must strike while we have the chance. 

Blake: Are you saying that we fight both Maul and Bo Katan? That's suicide!

Sienna: It doesn't matter. I will not have an outsider or a traitor take control of Mandalore! It is time for the True Mandalorians to rise! I'm starting to doubt your resolve, Belladonna. Ever since Dooku brought you into this, you've shown that you don't have the courage to do what's necessary. We are in this position because of you!

Upon hearing this, Blake became infuriated with Sienna's words. While she wanted nothing more than to see Mandalore restored, she did not want to do so for the sake of Sienna's ambition. 

Sienna: I have given blood, sweat and tears for this moment, Belladonna. I was one of the first to suggest violence where violence was necessary. Peace bred complacency and acceptance of our place in the world. I will not allow anyone to push us down without pushing them back. I have fought too long and too hard to have all my efforts be thrown away by your own cowardice! That's what your father could never understand. While he took his clan and hid on Concord Dawn, we've fought!

Blake: My father was a great man and a better Mandalorian than you could ever be! 

Sienna: You're a lucky woman, Belladonna. I would've killed you where you stand were it not for the low numbers of my clansmen. But make no mistake, Belladonna. I will reclaim Mandalore in the name of Clan Khan! And if you wish to have a place in it, then you'd better be prepared to beg for forgiveness! 

As Sienna threatened Blake, the young Mandalorian said nothing. As Sienna Khan prepared her remaining forces for battle, Blake thought about what Maul said to her. It was clear to her that Maul knew more than he let on. It seemed as if Maul knew something about the Clone Wars as a whole. But as it stood, Sienna Khan's blind ambition blinded her to this. As Blake was left alone with her thoughts, she took a moment to reflect on the words of her late parents. 

Ghira: But know this, Blake. There is nothing more precious to me than you and your mother. I would fight the entire Galaxy for you.

Blake(Past): When do you think we can go home?

Ghira and Kali paused for a moment. Blake was only a little girl when Clan Belladonna went into exile from Mandalore. Kali placed her hand on Blake's shoulders with a war smile on her face.

Kali: Our home changed, Blake. It changed to the point where our clan could no longer remain.

Ghira: Much has changed for our people. But what remains is that we are Mandalorians. No matter what, we will always remain Mandalorians. When all else falls, it is our actions and our actions alone that will live on through the centuries. We Mandalorians strive above all else to be remembered. And to be remembered with is a rewarding end to a life.

As Blake pondered on those words, she wondered about what the future would hold. It was clear to her that the next few hours could potentially have lasting impressions on both Mandalore and the Galaxy entire. But for now, all Blake could do was move forward and hope that her father's dream of a restored Mandalore would become reality. 

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