[Kidou Yuuto] 1:First Meeting

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The library…

You absolutely hated the library. You've had terrible experiences with the library – whether it's the librarian telling you mean comments or even students call you dumb and making fun of you – you were in here to get your grades up in (Failing/Subject). You looked around for a book that would help you. You sighed in frustration.

"Where is this stupid book?" You whispered.

"May I help you?" You turned to whoever asked. A boy your age asked you. He had brown dreaded hair that was pulled back into a ponytail and he wore goggles, hiding his eyes.

You told him the book you were looking for and he told you to follow him. He led you to a tiny shelf near the librarian's desk and there he picked the book you needed and handed it to you.

"Thank you very much… um…?"

"Kidou! My name is Kidou Yuuto. Yours?"

"(L/N) (Y/N)." You told him and smiled. "Well thank you Kidou." You were about to leave when he spoke up, stopping you.

"Are you struggling in (Failing/Subject)?" You turned to him and nodded. "Could I help you with that? I am pretty good at understanding the material." You thought for a bit then agreed.

"Yeah, I could use help from someone other than Mr. Teacher." Kidou laughed at you and guided you to a table in the library. You don't hate the library as much as you did before.

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