🩹 Shipwreck 🩹

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TW: Mentions of sharp objects, wreckages, anger, mental issues.

A broken wineglass rolls down the carpeted hall

Grandpa's old record spinning round and round

Some ancestor's painting of a shipwreck on the wall

A college freshman lying on the couch, head in hands

Four different situations, four different kinds of fragments

Four different causes, broken in four different ways

And yet all four shared one palpable element:

Each was made of pieces held together by a string.

The short-tempered parent smashed the glass out of rage

The ancient classic music disc was wearing off with age

The fantastic ship wrecked from an aberrated gauge

The boy's health veering towards 'mentally deranged'

One child saw more hiding behind the curtain's pleats:

How the light danced off the glass shards in rainbows

How the tattered vinyl disc still hummed soft jazz beats

How the ship gushed with ancient gems and finest gold

"Big brother is strong, after all these years he's holding on!

He is smart, he is kind, he is all I would wish to be

Big brother, don't cry," he pats. "You're beautiful deep down:

All you need is a good hug!" He opens his little arms wide.


Topic: Mental Health

Writer: WangXianLovingLotus

Genre: Poetry

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