The Other Infected..

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Chapter 3
×No Ones Pov×

It was lunch time Jiang Cheng was waiting for Nei Huaisang and Jiang Yanli at the cafeteria.

His Brother couldn't join them because of their archery training, he really wants him to join but sadly luck wasn't siding with him rn.

He was in his deep thoughts of protesting that he didn't notice his older sister's arrival not until she made a noise for her brother to notice her presence.

"Huisang isn't here yet?" She ask

"Wha- ah oh yeah Nei-xiong isn't here yet Jie" he says trying not to sound surprised by her since he didn't notice her that she was already there.

He rubs his back hair while laughing a little nervous about it, and Yanli just sneers about it. She already knew her youngest brother didn't notice her presence since she seen him busy thinking of something.. or should she say protesting on something.

She knows he doesn't like the idea of their brother not being able to join because of practice. She knows Jiang Cheng so much.

"Cheng-xiong! Yanli-jie" Nei Huaisang greets them then sits down.(what does Huisang call Yanli? Help I forgot 😭)

"Ah Nei-xiong you have arrived!" Jiang Cheng smiled widely with his cheery tone

"What took you long? I'm pretty sure you should have arrived first before I do" Yanli asks. She says it like that since everytime they meet in the cafeteria either JC or NHS will be the first ones to arrive but this time it looks like NHS came last.

Well he won't be here late without a reason, but she's not forcing him to tell them since she doesn't know if it's personal. She respects privacy okay(naol respect privacy-)

"Ah it's nothing Yanli-jie.. nothing much" He says while fanning himself. They started eating since they were already quite hungry


"Yanli-jie, you've asked me what took me a bit quite long Right?" They were half way done eating when Huisang asks.

"Yeah·· why?"She asks stopping from eating (no talking while eating😔✋)

"That's because I was listening to something.. I swear I just heard this I know nothing" Nei Huaisang wispers sounding like defending himself

Jiang Cheng stops from eating to listen while Yanli Sneers again from the boy who's defending himself all the sudden for no reason but she just listens anyways.

"I've heard that one of the nurse staffs are quite acting a bit weird they say like.. really² weird" Nei Huaisang says while opening his fan.

"Really?How?""How weird is it Huisang?" Both Jiang Siblings ask

"It's quite hard to explain.. but they said when they touch her (like arm or hand) she felt a bit cold like as if the warmth in her body starts to disappear" Huisang response to their question

Yanli find that odd while Cheng feels shiver down his spine which he doesn't really know why.

"Is her nose bleeding? She might be infected" He says as if his trying to make a joke

Which in return he received two confused faces. Well actually one was confused while the other one looks like his also confused but quite surprised.


"Cheng-xiong.." he looks at him a little dumbfounded and surprised. "That's what happened next.." he continues while fanning himself which earn a bit surprised look from the 2 Jiang Siblings.

༄×With the school Nurse..×༄

She was feeling a bit sick, she thought maybe because of a bite mark on her arm..

Yes she had a bite mark on her arm.. how did she get it?.. well on her way to school she sees this person looking like struggling to stand, as she was a kind person she wanted to approach the person and maybe try to help them, so she did.

As she approach them she notice that the person was bleeding.. she felt something was off.. her instinct is telling her too move/go away from this person..

As she wanted to follow her instinct her curiosity and worriness got a hed of her.

"Uum mister.. are you okay?" She asks when she got behind him

When she didn't get any response she try to reach out to him ..

When out of no where, the person turn around looking pale and was bleeding.

When the person notice the presence he then aggressively attacks her, in which the nurse defense herself..

In the process she was bitten in the arm.. she then pushes the person off when she felt the pain, just as she was standing there so confused. The ambulance arrives, since before she approached the the man she thought of needing help for him since she saw blood on him and thinking he was injured.. that he needed medical help.

As she was thinking she feels something wet in her nose going down.. she then put a hand on it to touch it and when she pulls her hand away from her nose she noticed blood...


She notice blood going out of her nose. She then gets a small mirror(with a stand) to look at it and she was quite a bit horrified about it.

What just happened? She then get's a thermometer to check on her temperature which ended up being low which means she was called..


She thinks maybe she is just sick, she's just not feeling well that why. She then gets a tissue to wipe it off but then she felt a bit dizzy and was starting to feel losing conscious..


Some students walk by the clinic peeking at one of the nurses, and her other workers do look at her too with concern with what's happening with their other partner(there's 3 nurses in there-).

She was now acting more strangely, she's shaking a bit like she's having a small seizure which concerns them more.

One of them decides confront her to check if she's fine so she approaches her.. which was a mistake..

⚠︎☢︎︎Tᴏ Bᴇ Cᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ☢︎︎⚠︎

Hope your liking the story :)


Will Find A Way..||MDZS||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें