Start from the beginning

"Jeez', just give me a sec," I laughed but she didn't. "You'll scream at me I just know it"

She shrugged. "Maybe, just cut the bullshit and tell me," she ordered.

I took a big breath, and closed my eyes. After all, if telling a Kook was already complicated, telling my Pogue friends would be awful. I tried to empty my head and realised it was only Sarah, not JJ or John B.

"I am dating, a man named Rafe Cameron and turns out it is your brother," I said as innocently as possible.

She remained silent for a few seconds and I felt like bursting out in laugh when a small forced gag escaped her mouth and she crashed to lay back on my bed. "No, tell me you're joking please," she practically begged.

"I am not joking," I laughed. "I wouldn't lie about that"

She groaned in annoyance or disgust, maybe even both, and when she gave her cheeks small slaps as if she could wake up from a bad dream, I laughed even more. It was like the thought of Rafe and I together hurt her so deeply she tried so hard to chase all the images she had in her mind. "Please don't tell me about your sexual life no more," she demanded.

"There would be so much to talk about though," I smiled softly. "I mean, he knows how to use his hands so w-"

"Shut up!" she cut me off. "Just shut your mouth!"

She pressed her hands on her ears as I kept telling her how much of a great partner her brother was, and she hummed a song above my voice the whole time. We both ended up laughing, very hard, so loudly I was sure my entire family woke up, but it didn't really matter in the end. "We have a thing for each other's brothers don't we?" I said.

"Unfortunately yeah," she breathed. "I just hope your relationship with Rafe is a bit healthier than mine with Topper was"

I nodded, not sure which turn my relationship with the Kook prince would take, knowing in this moment, the only things we had shared together were drugs and sex, so many things I used to claim hating about him. But I felt safe doing those things with him, it felt right, so I didn't have to worry. Or at least I felt like I didn't have to worry.

"Hey Sar' one last thing," I whispered as she rested her head back on me. "Take care of John B"


Outer Banks, Cameron's house
July 11th, 2020
11:57 am

"Hello boyfriend," I greeted as I arrived in the backyard of his huge mansion.

I didn't see him at first but since I heard his motorcycle's engine rumbling, I figured he was fixing it and stepped towards where the noise seemed to come from. As I reached the area, what I saw was far from what I expected, and I gasped so loudly everyone's attention drew on me. And by everyone, I meant Barry and Rafe's. 

"Country Club's girl," he laughed. "I was just giving him a lesson"

"What did you do to him?" I screamed loudly at his face but he didn't respond. "Answer me!"

As Rafe was groaning in pain on the ground, holding his hurt and burned forearm, Barry walked closer from me and my blood boiled in my veins. I had immediately recognised his face from when I had seen him the other night, but this time, he didn't scare me. I hurried to Rafe but the black haired man caught me and threw me on the ground. I kicked him with my right leg, which led him to stumble and almost crash down as well. "Dirty little bitch!" he yelled, kicking me in the stomach with his foot.

I groaned in pain as the man kept hitting me over and over, but as my eyes laid on my hurt boyfriend, I cried out louder and pushed his foot away with all the strength that I had, before getting up. I punched Barry so hard in his jaw I heard his teeth clenching and collapsing together before blood squirted out of his half-opened mouth. "Get the hell out of here!" I then screamed at his face.

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