Chapter 22 - We are Grounders Part 1 (1/2)

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When we arrive back at camp, Bellamy is suddenly some kind of Military commander. He's got everyone working on foxholes and land mines. I'm helping Jasper and Raven on a land mine when he walks up.

"Better hope those landmines work. All the gunpowder we're wasting, we could be making more grenades." Bellamy comments.

"You know Bell," I say, "Would be helpful to do something, if you want to be our test dummy for the land mines, be my guest."

"Cute. I need this entire section mined by morning." Bellamy continues on, talking to Raven, "Then you finish the south field."

Bellamy starts to walk away.

"Hey," Raven shouts over to Bellamy, "I told you, we're going after Finn, Clarke, and Monty in the morning."

"And I told you, nobody leaves this camp." Bellamy stops to repeat, then turns to leave again.

"I'm talking to you." Raven stops Bellamy again, "We can't just abandon our people. You want to lead them, show them you give a damn."

Suddenly, we're all stopped and freaked by a kid on guard accidentally firing a bullet.

"Whoa! What the hell was that?" Someone nearby says.

"Hey, What the hell is the matter with you?" Bellamy runs up to him screaming.

"I'm sorry, man. I fell asleep. I've been on watch all day." Sterling tries to apologize.

Bellamy gets right in his face, shaking him, "We've all been on watch all day!" He shouts, "That bullet was one less dead grounder."

"Bellamy!" I scream to stop him, he looks at me, "Stop it, you're scaring everyone!"

"They should be scared! The bomb on the bridge bought us some time to prepare, but that time is up! The grounders are out there right now, waiting for us to leave and picking us off one by one when we do! Clarke, Finn, and Monty are gone, probably dead, and if you want to be next, I can't stop you, but no guns are leaving this camp! This camp is the only thing keeping us alive! Get back to work!" Bellamy rants to everyone.

Bellamy walks off, everyone going back to what they were working on. I join Jasper as we walk over to the dropship where Bellamy is.

"Don't you think I want to go after them, too?" Bellamy hears us as we enter.

"If it was you out there, you think Monty, Clarke, or Finn would hide behind these walls?" Jasper asks.

"No. They'd go after me. Then they'd be dead, too. I am doing what I think is right for the group." Bellamy argues back.

"It's funny, you didn't think that way when Octavia went missing." Jasper turns to leave.

"Where are you going?" Bellamy asks.

"More gunpowder for your minefield," Jasper turns to face Bellamy, saluting him, "sir."

Jasper leaves and I give Bellamy a, "Come on," Look before walking over.

"He's right Bell," I say. "I'm not here to start anything against you, just checking up on Myles."

I walk over to Myles. He starts groaning.

"Water," He grumbles, "Please..."

I look over at Bellamy as I tend to Myles' wounds.

"I'll get you some," Bellamy says as he goes to leave.

"Thank you Bell." I say, bandaging the area of injury, "Alright Myles, I'm going upstairs to grab some more medical supplies, I'll be back in a second."

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