Chapter 18 - Unity Day 2/2

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Finn went ahead of Octavia and I to get to Clarke. Octavia and I walk back to camp, it's been silent the whole way. At this point, it's dark out. I already know everyone at camp is still partying.

"Octavia," I say, breaking the silence, "I'm happy for you."

"Thanks, Em," She says, "I'm happy for you as well."

I look at her in shock. She laughs in response, pure laughter. I haven't heard that pure of laughter without alcohol since we landed.

"It's pretty obvious," Octavia says, "I know whenever you're lying or hiding something."

I smile, she's right. I put my hands in my jacket pockets.

"Bellamy's going to hate this when he finds out," I say, "The peace and your relationship."

"That's why he doesn't need to know," Octavia states, "Get in, get Clarke, and go to the bridge."

"Right." I agree.

After more walking and talking, I leave Octavia at the bridge, she'll be waiting here while I go back with Finn. I continue back to camp alone. Soon enough, I see the gates. As I enter, I see Finn talking to Clarke. Everyone, as I suspected, doesn't pay attention to what's going on in any way. This should be easier then we thought. I watch as Finn and Clarke talk, Clarke then walks away and Finn walks towards me.

"She on board?" I ask.

"Yes," Finn says, "She'll meet us in a second, let's wait outside."

We migrate outside the gate and wait for Clarke. A few minutes later she walks over and we embark. I stay behind Finn and Clarke, they have their own issues they can talk out on this walk.

We keep walking for a while, the sun will be coming up soon. I keep checking around me, I feel like someone else is close but I don't know where.

"I'd love it if you were right about this," Clarke decides to spark up conversation, "but did you ever consider it might be a trap?"

"Yep, but since it's Unity Day, I decided to have hope instead." Finn concludes.

"Oh! Hey. Let me have a look at that." Clarke says, checking Finn's wound.

I roll my eyes, clearly the conversation doesn't involve me anymore.

"Seriously, Finn, you're putting a lot of faith in a guy who stuck a knife in you." Clarke worries.

"He threw me against a wall," I chime in, "And I'm willing to trust him."

"I'm just trying to keep us all alive." Clarke defends.

"We all are," Finn says, "We're just making sure it's less graphic."

A few minutes later, we arrive at the bridge. Octavia is waiting for us, but I can also tell she's waiting for Lincoln. We walk up to Octavia and she turns around and notices us.

"Hey you guys," Octavia says, "No one noticed you step away?"

"Not with how crazy everyone is partying." I say.

As I finish my sentence, I notice Lincoln emerge from the trees on the opposite end of the bridge. Octavia turns around to notice and I can instantly see a spark of happiness in her eyes. She had something similar back on the sky box and when she saw Bellamy again, but nothing as happy as now. She truly loves him, I hope that Bellamy will be able to accept that one day.

Octavia runs up and hugs him, he picks her up as she laughs. Once again, it feels weird to hear something so genuine. I look at Clarke as she pieces everything together.

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