Chapter 14- Contents Under Pressure 2/2

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 I decide that isn't working so I lay down, trying to go back to sleep again. It doesn't take long for someone to start aggressively banging on the hatch door, that only intensifies the pain in my head. After a minute of banging and Clarke yelling, Bellamy finally lets Clarke in. I decide she's clearly angry so there's no use in sleeping now. Octavia comes upstairs behind her, she rushes over to me for a second to check on me then walks over to the group.

"Get out of my way, Miller! Now!" Clarke screams.

Clarke storms over to the grounder, showing off a bloodied knife, "What's on this?"

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asks, confused.

"He poisoned the blade! All this time he knew Finn was going to die no matter what we did! What is it?! Is there an antidote?" Clarke continues to scream.

All this screaming is messing with my head, I don't know how much longer I can take it.

"Clarke he doesn't understand you." Octavia defends. "Can we please move Emery? This definitely isn't helping her concussion."

"The vials, It's gotta be in here," Bellamy says, walking over to a pouch, ignoring Octavia.

"You'd have to stupid to have a poison around this long without an antidote. Which one?" Clarke screams as she opens the pouch.

"Answer the question!" Bellamy screams.

"Show us, please." Octavia pleads.

"Which one? Our friend is dying down there and you can stop that!" Clarke pleads.

The grounder stays distant, no emotion overtaking him.

Bellamy starts moving to punch him, "I'll get him to talk."

"Bellamy no!" Octavia pulls Bellamy back, trying to stop him.

"He wants Finn to die, why can't you see that?" Bellamy yells at his sister, "Do you want him to live of not?" Bellamy asks Clarke.

"Clarke you even said it yourself, this is not who we are! He was protecting me, he saved my life!" Octavia pleads with tears.

"We're talking about Finn's life!" Bellamy yells.

At this point, I don't think I've ever experience a worse pain in my head. The lights, the yelling, and the goddamn pain. It's all too much. All I can do is watch while I feel like either screaming or ripping myself apart. 

Clarke looks at Bellamy, she whispers, "Do it."

"No. Just tell us!" Octavia pleads to the grounder.

Bellamy walks over to a seat and uses a knife to cut off the seatbelt. I realize what he's going to do.

"Bellamy, no," I say, my voice is so low it's not heard.

As Bellamy rips the grounder's shirt off he says, " Show us the antidote or you'll wish you had."

Bellamy looks at Clarke for the final okay. Clarke moves out of the way.

"Bellamy, no. Please." Octavia pleads one final time.

Bellamy begins whipping the grounder, it's gory and gross. All the pain, yelling, crying, and the lights are making it impossible. At this point I'm crying from pain, I feel like screaming until I loose my voice, instead I throw up. I can feel myself getting woozy again.

"Emery!" Octavia says as she runs over.

Bellamy stops whipping the grounder for a moment, hearing Octavia. Clarke runs over with the viles.

Everything around me goes black, once again.


When I wake up, I can't hear screaming anymore. I also can't hear the seat belt cutting against the grounder's flesh. I'm on the ground floor of the drop ship. My head doesn't hurt nearly as much as it did. No one is on this level of the drop ship. I'm glad, if I had woken up with Bellamy next to me I probably would have puked again. I can't get the image out of my mind. I listen for any kind of storm, but it's safe to assume I slept through the rest of the storm. I sit up, tired of laying down. I look around, the light isn't killing me anymore. I get up, trying to see if I can walk. I almost trip but I get the grasp of it again. I walk over to the drop ship entrance and move the blankets that cover the doorway. When I walk outside, everyone is working on repairing the camp, it got damaged after the storm.

Octavia is carrying something when she sees me at the drop ship. She instantly runs over and hesitates before hugging me.

"You scared the shit out of everyone when you passed out!" Octavia says, pulling me out of the hug then hugging me again.

"I'm sorry," I say with a smile, "What happened with Finn?"

"Finn is okay, the grounder gave up the antidote," Octavia informs.

She pulls me out of the second hug, smiling at me.

"Octavia," I say, "I'm sorry about the grounder."

She frowns, saying nothing. Instead she changes the subject by smiling and leading me over to my tent.

"I know you hate it," Octavia says, "But you need to get rest instead of pressuring yourself again."

"I do hate it," I say.

"No target practice right now." Octavia jokingly orders.

I laugh before stepping into my tent. I hadn't even realized the whole time I was dealing with my concussion my bow wasn't slung on my back. It's back in my tent. I grab it. I hate to break Octavia's orders but I don't want to miss, ever again.

I walk a little deeper into the forest so that Octavia can't catch me. Luckily, I'm recovering quickly. I shoot a few arrows before I hear rustling beside me. I look over to see it's Bellamy.

"Emery." He says.

"Don't talk to me Bellamy," I muster.

I'm angry at Bellamy. Torturing that grounder was wrong.

"What did you expect me to do?" Bellamy asks.

"I expected you to do the right thing," I face him, "I expected you to, for once, side with me."

"Emery, I did what was best for Finn at the time," He argues, "If I hadn't, Finn would be dead."

I angrily laugh, "Bellamy, you and I both know. There's always another way. I seriously don't know why I've tolerated you for so long." 

I'm starting to tear up.

"What do you mean?" Bellamy asks, I can hear the pain in his voice.

"What I mean Bellamy, is that you can never pick one thing," I yell at him, "You're off-and-on. You can never do what's right for everyone." I say, walking up to Bellamy and pointing to his chest as I say the next few words, "It always has to benefit you."

Bellamy looks at me, saying nothing.

"Bellamy, you tortured a guy," I say, tears falling down my face.

"To save Finn, to help all of us." Bellamy yells.

"You still tortured a guy, Bellamy!" I scream, then all I can manage is a whisper, "You changed more than one person's view on you. You scarred more than one person."

Before he can say anything more, I walk away.

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