"You cannot command me not to heal someone," he said. "If he offers me something in return for being healed, I may indulge him and take any deal he brings up. Besides, I do not wish for you to kill Stefan. He may be of use to us."

She stared at him coldly. "You know, if I were you and I arrived to undo the Hybrid Curse and someone was trying to stop me from getting the ingredients I needed, I would have just killed them. They were all so scared when they first heard your name, hell, even I was nervous, but you swept through town with minimal impact and as brutal as you can be, you reduced yourself to just being a thorn in our sides. You should have killed Damon and Stefan, you should have killed Jeremy, you should have killed anyone that might have stood in your way. But you didn't and you haven't despite repeated offenses. What I think, Klaus, is that you're a puny little coward."

His jaw tightened, itching to burst out something in response. His mood grew more sour with each comment she made against him. "Good boy," she said with a dark sweetness as he said nothing. "You're learning to hold your tongue."

He sneered, "Is that your aim?"

"My aim is to have fun and you were so nice and helpful earlier, which is why you were rewarded with all that sex we had in my bedroom. But I am still annoyed with you so if you want me not to hit you where it hurts, you best continue to be an obedient little boy—"

"Stop calling me that," he said tightly. Each time she said 'boy,' he was reminded of Mikael.

His phone chimed, saving him from her retort. "Kol will meet you at this address," he muttered, sending it to her phone.

"Good," she said, unbothered. "Don't wait up for me, I'll probably be spending the night with him."

She arrived at the location bearing no gifts, just the expectation that Kol would let her in and speak with her. She waited in front of the door to his apartment, raising her eyebrows when he finally opened after she knocked twice.

"I would think you'd be more eager to see me," she said as she walked past him. "Oh, that's a bad idea," she pointed to where the white oak stake rested on the coffee table. "You should hide that somewhere safe unless you want someone to use it against you."

"Rosalind," he said, closing the door. "I suppose Rebekah's session with the others earlier was informative. You do have your humanity off."

"Mhm." She sat on his couch, putting her legs onto the armrest. "But I'm not here to discuss my lack of humanity, I'm here to find out more about Silas and why you're being such a scaredy-cat."

Kol sat in the armchair beside the couch. "He's very dangerous. Going to find the cure risks waking him. A few hundred years back, I came across a group that worshipped Silas. His followers told me that he would rise again, and when he did, he would trigger the end of all time. You know, being an immortal, you can see why I'm opposed to time's ending. So I murdered all of them."

"And how did you just happen to come across a group of Silas worshippers?"

"I used to run with some witches. Africa in the fourteenth century, Haiti in the seventeenth century, New Orleans in the nineteen hundreds. They all knew about Silas; that he needed to stay buried. I actually hold witches in high esteem. They said if Silas rises, he'll unleash hell on Earth. I happen to like Earth just the way it is."

She shrugged. "We can get the cure without waking Silas. Surely there's a way to do that, right? I say you team up with me and Klaus. We get the cure so nobody can use it against us, we make sure Silas isn't awoken, and then, everybody wins."

Kol raised a brow. "And what do you want the cure for?"

"So it can't be used to turn my humanity back on."

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