'You and mama look good together papa' she said teasingly.

I smiled, "I know. Now, time to get washed up." Sylvie's eyes went wide.

'I don't need a shower!' Sylvie yelled mentally as she tried to run away. I dashed forward and grabbed her with a sinister laugh.

"Let's go hehehe." I said.

'No!!!!!' Sylvie yelled mentally.

After a great battle with a dragon in the shape of a little white fox, I was able to get me and her washed. After getting washed, I pulled out my disciplinary committee captain uniform. It was a  black, military-style outfit with gold details, a gold aiguillette that wrapped under the left armpit, and gold epaulets on both of the shoulders. There was a set of parallel gold captain bars on the collar for my rank. It had a right thigh strap that had a sheath for my golden disciplinary dagger. 

I got dressed into my uniform making sure it looked neat. I wanted to look good after all. I walked over to my desk and opened the wooden box revealing the golden dagger inside. The golden daggers hilt had groves, with a vine like design on the blade, and a cross guard. I pulled out the dagger and placed it into its sheath on my right thigh strap.

After my uniform was ready, I walked over to my mirror and nodded in approval of my appearance. I hope Tess thinks I look good. I grabbed Sylv off the bed and she hopped on top of my head.

"Alright, let's do this Sylv." I said.

"Kyu!" 'I'm ready papa!' Sylvie said mentally.

I walked out of my room, and headed down to the disciplinary committee meeting room. I walked inside and saw Claire sitting on the table with Theo in front of her as they were making out. When I walked in, Theo jumped back and Claire jumped off the table brushing off her uniform.

"Ah-'em, um good morning, uh captain." Claire said blushing.

I just stood there for a second with my eyes darting between the two. They both wore their disciplinary committee uniforms, which was the same as mine, except they didn't have the rank on their collar, or the epilates. Theo's uniform was also a short sleeve while Claire's and mine were long sleeve.

"Um.... good morning." I said as I walked in. "So... how are you two?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"We are good, ya. We were just uh.... Ah never mind. When are we going to the auditorium?" Theo said trying to get rid of the awkward situation. I laughed a little.

"Soon. Everyone should be walking onto campus now and going to the auditorium. I'll go make sure the student council is ready. Be right back." I said.

I walked through the common meeting room to the student council. I opened the door to the student council, forgetting to knock. I saw the student council sitting at the table discussing their presentation.

"Not know how to knock commoner?" Clive said in an arrogant tone.

I just ignored him and looked at Tess who gave Clive an irritated look.

"You ready President?" I asked in a monotone voice. Tess smirked slightly but managed to keep a straight face and nodded.

"We were just going over last minute details Captain, we will be leaving soon." Tess said.

The door to the hallway then opened and Grandma walked in. "Oh Arthur, you're here as well, good. Are you and your groups both ready?" Grandma asked.

"Yes Director." Tess and I said at the same time. Grandma smirked at this.

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