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Fundy rubbed his arm nervously, he sighed, looking down at the ground. "Are you truly happy with me? Am.. am I a good boyfriend?"

"Of course I am." Dream furrowed his eyebrows. "Fundy.. love what's wrong?" He walks over to his lover, concerned.

"People have been talking.. and.. the more I hear the stuff they say, the more I slowly believe it.."

"What things do they say?"

"That you don't truly love me, you'll leave me the moment my father comes back.." he tears up. "I- I don't want to believe it, but.. but they.."

  "Hey, sweetheart look at me." Dream tilted Fundy's head up. "If I didn't love you, I would've left months ago. Wilbur has nothing to do with us. We're together because we knew we loved each other. That love hasn't died from me. It will never die. I love you."

He wiped the tears from Fundy's eyes. Whoever was saying those things didn't understand or know the damage they're doing. He was sure to find out who was doing it.

"Please don't cry, I love you so much."

"I- I love you too."

Fundy went into Dream's arms, the tears staining his green hoodie. His grip right on the fabric.

"Shh.." Dream rubbed circles into his back. "I promise, until my life is taken from me, I will love you."

"Promise?" Fundy sniffled.

Dream lifted Fundy's head up again, leaning down and giving him a kiss. He pulled away, nodding his head.


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