face reveal

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He didn't know how the topic came up. He was just randomly babbling on stuff. Then, the subject of puberty somehow came up.

Which, what a normal way to talk to your best friend? Right?

"I had really weird voice cracks. I could be talking fine, then it all just leaves me." Fundy explained, "It's a really weird thing.."

"Well, it's probably because you're dutch. I'm American, I get flawless skin."

"Oh shut up." Fundy laughed. "That has nothing to do with it, you idiot."

Dream smiled, it was then that he realized. Did he ever show Fundy his face? He didn't remember if he had or not. Then, the question came up.

"Have you ever seen my face?"


Dream smirked, getting an idea. "Alright, stay here, I'll be right back." He took off his headphones, going to borrow Sapnap's webcam. He never had one, since.. you know.

Coming back into the room after taking the webcam, Dream sat back down. Putting his headphones back on. "Okay, I just need to set it up."

"Wait, wait. You're not actually.." Fundy paused, "Dream, if it's gonna make you uncomfortable in any way-"

"Fundy, we've been friends for a while. I trust you not to leak it." Dream stated, setting up the camera "Besides, I always show my face to my closest friends."

Fundy was hesitant to answer, he was too lost in thoughts. He was actually going to see Dream's face for the first time. He was terrified. One, it's Dream. Two, he just gets really nervous for things like this.

"Okay, it's all set up. You ready?"

"Honest with you, I'm scared shitless."

Dream laughed, "You've got nothing to be scared about, it's just a face reveal."

"Yeah but- it's you! It's weird to me, I just always imagined you as a disembodied voice! I forget half the time you're a person.."

"A lot of people do." Dream chuckles, "Sapnap thought I was for a long time. Now, give me a countdown from three."

Nervously, he prepared himself. He was going to see his best friend's face for the first time. Ever. He was going to be able to say: "I've seen Dream's face."



"Wait-!" The blonde cut in, "You turn yours on too. I wanna see your reaction.."

"Wh- I look like shit-" Fundy joked, "My hair's everywhere, cause I just woke up half an hour ago."

"Oh c'mon, I'm doing this for a reason. Turn it on. Turn it on." Dream chanted.

With a roll of his eyes, Fundy turned on his own camera. Indeed, he didn't look that great. His hair was sticking up in all different places. He was even still in his sleepwear.

"You happy?" Fundy raised an eyebrow.

"Very, count me down again."



Dream hovered his mouse over the camera button. His own heart pounding just a bit. It always made him excited to finally not be faceless to some people. It gave him happiness.


The blonde turned the camera on.

Fundy, at first, saw darkness. But what he saw next, his jaw dropped. "Oh my god.." he covered his mouth, and I swear to you, his cheeks turned red.

Dream's blonde hair fell perfectly against his forehead and face. It was neck length, due to quarantine. He had light scruff against his neck and jawline, which by the way, his head was triangular.

He had the deepest green eyes that he had ever seen.

"Holy shit..' Fundy laughed in disbelief. "I- don't know what to even say, oh my god.."

"Wait- are you blushing?!" Dream called out, only to make Fundy blush even harder.

"I- y- shut up. Not my fault!" Fundy just kept looking right at him. "I- I mean this in the most platonic way possible, but oh my god you're hot.."

Dream laughed hard, almost enough to turn him into a kettle. "I wouldn't say that I'm THAT attractive."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Dude, do you know how many women you can kill with that look?!"

"Y'know, with the way you're speaking, it sounds like you're getting attracted to me.."

"Honestly, if you show your face more often, I might just get attracted to you.."


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