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Dream grunts as Fundy landed on him suddenly. The fox bursting out into giggles. He crawled up the others waist, latching onto the other.

"Fundy? Are you okay?"

The blonde couldn't help but chuckle as the male below him continued to giggle. When the fox finally calmed down, he looked at the other with hazy eyes.

"Hi." Fundy smiled.

"Hi." Dream smiled back. "You alright?"

"Yah." The other nods, giggling even more. "Can I tell you something really important? Something that only my closest friends know."


Fundy moved up closer, they were inches apart from each other. It was then that Dream could smell the whiskey in his breath.

He was drunk.

"I think Dream is reaaaallyy pretty." He slurs. "He's got all these adorable freckles.."

The blonde laughed lightly, "Oh does he?"

"Mhm, and he can't show them to anyone else besides mees. Is his best friend."

"You are adorable, you know that?" Dream cupped Fundy's cheek. "Even when you're drunk, and I can barely understand you because of your accent, you're still so fucking adorable."

"Nooo he's more adorable than nee." Fundy gasped as he felt the warmth increase on his cheek. "Wait.. Dreeaaam?"


The ginger's cheeks turned a dark red. "I was talking to yous? I thought you were sapnaaps."

"No, lovely, you're home right now." Dream chuckled. "Which I'm glad you are, you're gonna feel like shit in the morning." He ran his thumb over the soft skin of Fundy's cheek.

Even when he was oblivious and drunk, he still had the most damn adorable blush in the world.

"Can I kiss your freckles?" Fundy asked innocently.

"Alright, cmere."

As he got closer, Dream closed the gap between them. Locking lips with the other for a moment. He pulled away for air, smiling at the fox's expression.

"I said fre-"

  Dream cut him off again with another kiss. He could feel the light tickle of Fundy's tail against his arm. When he pulled away once more, Fundy was pouting.

"When you're drunkies, I'm gonna do the sames thing to you!" He slurred with a whine.

"Of course." Dream laughed lightly, "You love my kisses, you really do." He booped him on the nose. "Now, you need to relax and sleep."

With a sigh, Fundy nuzzled into Dreams chest once more, soft fox ears falling down to the sides of his head.

Soon, the soft breeze of Fundy's exhale hit the soft skin of Dream's hand.

The last thing the blonde thought, before the calmness of sleep took over..

Was how much he loved Fundy. 

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