"I can speak to him, you don't need to trouble yourself." Clive said, smiling at me. I just looked at him with a straight face.

"No, I will meet with him. I'm the President, he's the Captain. When the student council and disciplinary committee need to plan something together, I will always be the one to meet with him, understood?" I said matter of factly.

In truth it wasn't just because of our positions that I wanted to be the one to speak with him. But mainly because I wanted to spend more time with him.

Clive nodded at this, "Very well President."

I saw Lilia looking at me with a smirk. I looked away making sure to hide my blush and composed myself.

"Where is Captain Arthur now?" Jarrod asked curiously.

"He told me this morning that he, Claire, and Theo were going to walk around campus today, to make sure the patrol routes are reasonable. They're also checking the school buildings making sure everything is secure." I replied while looking at papers.

"This morning? When did you have time to see him. We met pretty early." Clive asked curiously while raising a brow staring at me.

'Crap.... How could I let that slip.' I mentally facepalmed trying to come up with an answer.

"The president and I saw him before he left the SC/DC building. We had a conversation with him before he left." Lilia said to Clive with a shrug.

Clive looked at her then me, then just shrugged looking back at his paperwork. I gave Lilia a nod and she nodded back. Lilia was the only one who knew I've been sleeping in Art's room almost everyday, except for when I had a lot of work to do and needed to concentrate. Art and I even put some of our clothes in each other's rooms, this way we didn't need to leave the room just to go to our original room to change.

We all just sat there at the table going over more paperwork, and coming up with more details for the dance. I wanted to make sure the dance was nice, mainly because I wanted to have a nice evening with Art. I smiled at the thought.

"Ok, why don't we take a short break, then we can come back to this." I said and everyone nodded.

Everyone stood up and stretched. I started to walk around the room to stretch my legs a little. They were a little stiff after sitting for so long.

"Excuse me, President?" I looked and saw Clive had approached me.

"What is it Clive?" I asked in a monotone voice.

He looked behind him and saw Jarrod and Lilia were both standing by a bookshelf on the other side of the room. Clive looked back to me and smiled. I don't know what it was about his smile, but I just found it arrogant and annoying. I saw Lilia glancing at us while also talking to Jarrod.

"So President, about the dance." Clive began.

"What about it? I think it's a good idea." I said crossing my arms and shrugging my shoulder.

"So do I, I was just wondering, would you like to go to the dance with me?" Clive asked smiling, but also giving off an arrogant tone.

I saw Lilia's face scrunch up a little, like she thought what he said was gross. I smirked a little at this.

Clive also saw my smirk and his smiled widened.

"So is that a yes?" Clive said confidently.

I looked at him with a straight face. "No." I said.

He raised a brow with a confused face. "Why not? We would be perfect together." He said with a hint of irritation.

I furrowed my brows at this. "Oh? And why is that?" I asked a little irritated at his insinuation.

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