Memory: The Council

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"We are The Council."

The Council? What in the Realms do they want with our blood?
Barbie studied my face, watching me put the pieces together.
Our blood doesn't have a healing factor, and our... abilities can't be extracted from our veins, let alone our blood, so wha- oh. It's not Magic. It's genetics. There is DNA in parts of blood. They want to do something with our DNA.
Barbie smiled as realization came across my face.

" The goal of this experiment is to create more people like you. We find your talents useful, but unfortunately, there are only two of you. So, why not make more ourselves?"
Not good. Not good at all.
I felt myself getting weaker, my connection to reality being lost. Not knowing when I will wake up, or if I will ever wake up, I drift off to sleep.

Centuries later

A scientist barges into the room.
"Subject 13867, report to the testing room."
A small Hispanic girl looks at her mother with a scared look in her eyes. Her mother looks to me, begging me to look in the scientist's thoughts. I nodded my head and turned to look at the scientist.
Flashes of thoughts and images run through my head.
I see a measuring stick on the wall, a scale, and a few other tools to measure growth.
"All the children must be measured today, The Council must have the reports if I wish to keep my life."
I look at the mother and tap my fingers on the ground once, signaling that she will see her again. A look of relief passes on her face as she mouths a thank you.

That doesn't happen often.

Daniela, as we like to still call her, much to the Council's irritation, runs to the cold looking woman in the lab coat, her eyes glued to the floor. As she turns away, I see the barest beginnings of wings peek out of her back,not much bigger than that of a chicken, with only a few fuzzy feathers protruding from the skin.
The other children sit in a semi-circle in front of me, all staring in question. Nathan skips over and grabs my hand with a big grin on his face. He pulls me to my feet, a small grin breaking out on my face. The children quickly climb to their feet, and we all skip to the adults. Nate's face shifts to that of a puppy as he stares at a man with long, strawberry hair. He looks at us and lets out a hearty chuckle.
" All right, all right, we'll dance, on one condition, Nathan, you have got to stop with the puppy eyes, that's not fair."
"Aww.... It works so well."
"That's the point, now help me up."
We all get in a big circle with the adults on the outer ring and the children on the inner. A rhythm starts echoing throughout the room. The rings rotate as we dance, even the elderly join in with some help. A big smile is seen on everyone's face.
Suddenly, a giant metallic clang startles everyone.

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