Chapter Eighteen

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Miles opened his eyes and saw Gwen bending over him to see if he was okay. The eyes of her suit relaxed when she saw him awake. Her suit had dirt on it, but nothing was ripped and she was still holding her right side.

"You have a bruise on your forehead and a cut on your lip, dude," Gwen said as she stopped leaning over him. Miles sat up, his abdomen feeling sore and weak from the explosion. He touched his lip, and dark blood did indeed come back. 

Guessing it blew up everything. Wait, where's Spider-Man?

"Where's Spider-Man?" Miles said, repeating his thoughts. 

"I don't know, I found the Green Goblin good and dead, and I needed you up to make sure you were okay," Gwen said as she coughed and winced. 

Miles's stomach warmed, knowing that she cared about him on some level, but the focus was that he needed to find Spider-Man. He slowly stood up and held out a hand for Gwen. 

"You coming, or planning to Mr. Krabs your way over?" Miles joked. The eyes of Gwen's suit narrowed, but she grabbed his hand and lifted her foot a tad as she stood up.

"No idea who that is," she said as she limped forward and looked around. Miles followed her and looked around.

"Holler if you find him," Miles says as he walks around. 

"Kid?" He hears a hoarse voice call out. Miles looks around and doesn't see anybody. 

"Spider-Man?" Miles whispers, and then sees Spider-Man propped up against a rock, his head leaning to the side. Miles gasps and runs over, running through debris and jumping over cords. He makes his way over there and throws a metal piece of something out of his way. 

Spider-Man was laying there, his breathing hitching every now and then. His mask was torn on the side of his face and his eye, showing Spider-Man's light skin and his blue eyes. 

"Gwen!" Miles whisper yells. In seconds, Gwen comes quickly limping towards where Miles was and gasps. 

Miles's attention shifts back to Spider-Man and sees Spider-Man looking at him and then Gwen. "Woah, where'd the other one come from?" 

"It's complicated," Miles and Gwen said in unison. 

"Are you okay?" Miles said, kneeling down to Spider-Man. 

Spider-Man patted his wrist. "I'm fine, I'm fine, just resting," He said. Miles noticed his suit was covered in dirt, holes and his suit revealed his hand. 

"Peter?" Gwen said, a whisper that was lucky to be heard. Both Miles and Spider-Man looked at her. 

"How do you know my name?" Spider-Man said. Miles looked back at him, Spider-Man gluing his eyes onto Gwen.

Gwen then pulled down her hood, pulling her mask over her head, her hair shaggy from being in the mask. Spider-Man's eyes then widened.

"Gwen?" he said, his voice the same whisper. "I thought I lost you... How are you alive?"

Gwen blinked and then looked away at the ground. "I don't understand this..." she muttered

Spider-Man then put his hand on Miles's shoulder. "Kingpin's been doing too much with the collider, it brought her from another universe and he may have brought others." Spider-Man said as his voice slightly cracked. 

So Gwa- Gwen IS from another universe... 

Then Spider-Man viewed something not too far from him and grabbed it, opening Miles's hand with his other hand and put the item in his hand and then closed Miles's fist around it. 

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