Chapter Thirteen

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GWEN was tired by the time school ended. She was learning a whole lot of things that she didn't need to, and she hated every second of it. Enough was on her mind from learning the fact that she wasn't exactly at home and that there was a new friend that she made that she would have to be careful around.

She walked out of the school doors and took in a sharp intake of air. She was stressed, and she would have to find a place where she could stay. She knew that she had no money so she'd have no choice but to be on the streets. She didn't like the idea. With her book bag slung over her shoulder, she walked on the left side of the pavement, thinking things over.

Where would I stay? There's nowhere to go and I have no money. I can't steal from people, that isn't right... Gwen thought. She sighed. Then a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Hey, Gwanda! Wait up!" she heard Miles's voice behind her. He was running, and he caught up with her after a second. Gwen felt her face heat up from the embarrassment of crying in front of him earlier. At least it was a distraction. 

"Hey", she said distracted by the thoughts currently floating in her head. She glanced at him and noticed beads of sweat forming on his forehead from the heat and from the fact he was just running. He was wearing a jacket when it was near summertime. He was panting from running and he had to constantly adjust his backpack and she saw books threatening to come out of her bag.

"Need help with that?" she said as she walked to his other side and pulled him to the side as a girl was about to walk by them. Gwen grunted as she took his bag and zipped it. She handed it back to him. Miles grinned. 

"Thanks!" Miles said gratefully. Gwen nodded and they continued walking down the streets, passing by a few pizza places and mini shops.

Gwen looked at some of them and glanced down. Her stomach grumbled as the aroma of pizza passed by her nose as they walked by. Miles turned his head to the shop. "You're hungry?" he looked at her, his eyes full of sympathy. He didn't think she was poor, did she?

She shook her head and her stomach disagreed with her by growling back. She prayed that Miles didn't hear it. Miles squinted at her, but they continued walking.

"So, where's your place?" Miles said, looking around. They were now at a crosswalk and the sign flashed at them to not walk as cars zoomed by. Gwen looked around. She didn't see any neighborhoods nearby or down the street that she could lie about. She sighed.

"Uh, I don't live near here," she lied swiftly. "I live about fifteen minutes from here. It's a long walk," she said, not looking at Miles and they crossed as the sign told them to. Miles nodded.

"I live near here," Miles says pointing down to a neighborhood that was down the street. "Dad always works late shifts on Fridays," Miles says as he shifts his backpack on his shoulder.

"Nice," Gwen smiled. Miles smiled back.

"Well, I'll see you on Monday, Gwanda. It was nice seeing you again!" Miles says, beginning to talk down the street. Gwen smiled and waved as Miles disappeared down the street, then her smile dropped into a frown. 

Yeah, I have to come up with better fake names.

She shook her head, dismissing her thoughts and she sat on a bench. She sighed, overwhelmed. She was trapped in this universe and she had no place to stay. No food. She didn't know how long she'd be here and how cold the nights would drag on. Most of all, she missed her father. It was supposed to be Dad and Daughter night, and he would be spending it looking for his missing daughter.

Gwen sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She needed help, but how would she get it?

She got up and she began to walk away, mentally noticing where Miles had lived, just in case she had to know where he lived.

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