In the beginning:

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Affairs Of A Knight.

Before you start this book, I would like to enlighten and warn you. This is historical fiction; a blend of real-life events and fictional ones. You would probably see names that you recognize from your history class but I want you to note something; "FICTION"

It is fiction so some things are distorted thereby making the book not to be 100% accurate.

Secondly, this is a "Historical" book and there are going to be a lot of vile words, hard and sometimes uncomfortable scenes. Plenty of swear words that are filthier than the Northumbrian alleys and just to put it out there; I am an avid Christian. I swear, but the people of the era of this book were Christians more as a lifestyle than as a practised faith. Yes, they went to mass, and said their prayers but being pious-especially their tongues and sexual abstinence - was not something that was widely practised. They had strict rules yes, blasphemy was punishable by death but we are focusing majorly on knights, soldiers to be precise and we all know of their nasty tongues.

Why am I saying this? I've written other historical books here and have things like "God's breath, God's death" etc and got a lot of "You shouldn't..blah blah blah." I'm an ardent Christian, so I mean no offence, it is a book.

Finally, this book is dealing with equals. In the hierarchy of the court, Sir Louis has a higher position than our dear Aline and that would not change for a long time. I am stating this because you might come across scenes where one person would hit the other; IT IS NOT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.

Sir Louis gave up her femininity for this however, if the thought of two equals fighting offends or triggers you; check out here.

Don't forget to find me on Instagram: Raldineviv. I show exclusive updates and also, if you'll be interested in seeing the editing process and asking me some questions, then you should totally come follow me on Instagram.

I've dreamt about this book for months and it's finally here; I cannot wait to start this journey once again with this amazing community.

Like and Comment Please; thank you!

Always, Raldineviv.

(Link to my Instagram is on my profile)


March 11th, 1633.

"My prince,you have to leave now" the urgency that filled his voice was tangible.

"And let him steal my throne? Let the people call me a coward?"

"No, Your highness, this is not a case of cowardice, this is preservation. You live to fight another day"

"I refuse Renwick. I refuse to be seen as a weakling!"

The pudgy man glanced anxiously behind him,"If you die today My Prince, there would be no hope for England. Cromwell is too powerful, he has amassed the support of the court.

If you challenge him, I am afraid- as Cromwell is no stranger to underhanded tricks- he will slay you. And then My Prince, England shall truly perish.

Leave now, hide! Until you find yourself the perfect band that would help you defeat your him. Till then do not return!

Protect your identity Alexander and be safe the heavens would protect you!"

His tutor and mentor slapped his hand against the horse.

"NO! Renwick! "

But the horse galloped on.


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