chapter thirty four

730 32 28

CW: swearing
sapnap's pov

I'm waken up to the light from the windows shining into my eyes, I squint them so I can actually see around me.

I try to sit up but I'm pulled back down by arms that are wrapped around me. I look to see who it is, and to my surprise it's Wilbur.

Oh yeah, I forgot that he came down here to help me fall asleep. I guess I was so tired that it just slipped my mind.

I attempt to push his hands away, but fail, he has too much of a grip around my torso and I can't seem to break loose.

I don't want Quackity or Karl to see us, they might think that something weird is going on, but we're just good friends now and it's normal for friends to be touchy. If girls can do it without anyone questioning it, then guys should be able to do so as well .

I sigh, and lay back down on-top of Wilbur. I find my hands wrapping them around his waist, I hesitate before continuing. I just can't help myself from falling asleep like this, his body against mine just creates heat and it's so comforting. I would be the same if this was Karl, but I didn't want to wake him up. My eyes slowly close once again and I drift off into another deep sleep.

This time I'm woken up by people talking.

"yeah, he just fell asleep shortly after" Wilbur says.

I open my eyes and sit up, this time I succeed as Wilbur let's go of me. Karl and Quackity are sitting on chairs nearby, talking to Wilbur about what happened last night.

"I have some pictures of you two sleeping just now" Quackity smirks.

"delete them" I say.

"NEVERRR" Quackity yells while running away into another part of the house.

"next time just wake me up, I don't mind, I would just fall back asleep anyway" Karl smiles at me.

"I just didn't want to bother you, you looked so comfortable and-" Karl cuts me off.

"and I don't care, wake me up next time, that was sweet of you, but you couldn't sleep for hours and I don't want that to happen again" He puts his hand on top of mine.

"okay, I'll wake you up next time" I repeat while looking into his eyes.

"anyway, I should really get back home" I say while I get up from the couch.

"awwwh do you have to?" Karl whines.

"yeah I left my dog all alone in my house the whole day yesterday" I sigh.

he lets me go and I get over to my house as fast I can. I swing open the door and run inside looking for my dog. I keep calling out to him, but he isn't anywhere to be seen.

I looked on the ground floor, under the couch, behind the island(yk that counter that's in the middle of your kitchen.. yeah that, not an actual island) in my kitchen, in the cabinets even though he had no way of getting in there, upstairs, under my bed, in the bathtub. Anywhere he could fit is where I looked. He was nowhere to be seen.

Did he run away somehow? was I not treating him right?

Shit, I shouldn't have left him alone all day yesterday, I prepared a lot of food and water for him before I left and it looks like he ate it, but where could he have gone. I just hope he's safe, wherever he may be.

All I know is I can't stand being in my house without a dog to fill up the space. It feels so empty without him here with me.

Even though I just left Karl's house I'll have to go back there, I don't want to be alone right now.

Just as fast as I got home I arrive at Karl's house. He looks at me all confused as he sees me walk back through the door. Wilbur and Quackity are just as confused as he is.

"why are you already back?" Wilbur asks, "not that we don't want you here, but you wanted to look after your dog"

"he's gone, I couldn't find him, and I don't know where he went, and I'm freaking out, and the house feels so empty without him and-"

Karl interrupts me, "woah, woah, woah, slow down, it's gonna be okay" he walks towards me and pulls me into a hug.

"I just hope he's okay" I murmur.

"I know, I know" he says in a calming voice while rubbing my back in a circular motion with his hand.

"we can look for him while you stay here with Karl" Wilbur suggests.

"are you sure?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"yeah we're sure, right Quackity?"

"huh? oh um yep we're sure" he smiles.

I can tell Quackity wasn't paying attention to what was happening this entire time, but he's willing to help none the less.

Karl guides me to the couch while Wilbur and Quackity take off.

"it's okay, they'll find him" Karl gives me a soft smile.

"yeah, I know" I sigh.

Karl turns on the television and puts on a show to distract me, and I must admit that it is working, it's a good show so can you blame me.


It's been a couple hours now and finally I see Wilbur and Quackity enter the door.

"did you find him?" I say jumping up from the couch.

Wilbur shook his head no. I don't say anything I just sit back down, disappointed.

We shouldn't put up missing posters yet, maybe he's just hiding in my house somewhere, yeah that must be it. He's just hiding under a chair or stool I haven't checked yet.

"do you think he could still be in my house?" I turn to look at Karl.

"we can all go there to check again if you'd like" he reassures me.

"yeah, let's do that"

Quackity whines, "we just got backkk"

"shut up", Wilbur jokingly flicks Quackity on the back of his head.

"HEY-" Quackity yells.

words: 1057

author's note: this story is going on for quite a while omfg, but get ready because it's going to end soon, is everyone excited?? because I ammm ooo

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