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Skip to the end, a lot of this is all of the chapters in one.

Y/n pov,

I was kneeling down, next to the freshly tilled ground, planting some wheat seeds, when I heard horses walking on the cobble path I made leading up to the lake underneath my home. I plant the last seed, and look down. Humans. I was worried. No human has ever been near my land before. I slowly stood up, and wiped the dirt off of my knees and hands. I took a deep breath, before flying down to the lake gracefully. There was no rush, because they didn't seem like a threat, but I was still worried.

"Hello?" I ask floating above the water. I seemed to have scared them, because they all suddenly jumped, and drew their weapons.

"Who are you?!" A brunette with round glasses exclaims.

"Woah! Calm down! I'm not a threat! My name is Y/n. I live here." I say motioning up towards my house. They slowly put away their weapons, when a girl with light pink hair stepped forward, and started apologizing.

"We're so sorry! We didn't know this was your land!" She said frantically.

I laughed lightly. "It's quite alright! I don't own anything on the ground, except for the little campsite over there." I say pointing over to the campsite.

"Is it alright if we stay here for a bit? Possibly 3 days?" The brunette with glasses asks.

"Of course! You all can sleep at the campsite, it's protected by magic, so no mobs will hurt you, or damage your stuff while you sleep." I say smiling.

"What can we do to repay you?" The pink haired girl asks.

I think for a moment, before coming to a conclusion. "You can join me for dinner tonight! I haven't had any type of contact with people in years, it'll be nice to have dinner with you all."

"FREE FOOD!" A blonde boy shouts. He appears to be around 6 foot, maybe a few inches taller, and seems really young. Maybe around 16? He was standing next to a boy shorter than him, maybe around my height, and a very tall. He was very tall, around 7 foot 5 maybe? The boy around my height, was what appeared to be a ram hybrid. He had ram horns on the side of his head, and his hair was covering his eyes. He had scars all over his face. The tall boy, was what appeared to be an enderman mixed with something else. Half of his skin was a dark purple almost black, and the other half was silver almost white. One of his eyes were red, and the other was green. He had what almost looked like a cow tail trailing behind him. It was lightly sweeping the ground, as he stood there glaring at the blonde boy.

"Tommy! Show some manners!" The brunette shouted back at who I guess is Tommy.

As they were arguing, the pink haired girl smiled at me. And stood close to me.

"If we're staying here, then I guess I should tell you who everyone is." She said smiling. "My name is Niki! The brunette who's yelling at the blonde, is Wilbur, he's Tommy's older brother. The blonde is Tommy. Then the short ram boy holding hands with the tall boy is Tubbo, and the tall boy is Ranboo. Tubbo and Ranboo are married." She says pointing at each person. Ranboo and Tubbo started walking over to us, as they seem annoyed.

"Hello!" Tubbo exclaims.

"Hi!" Ranboo says cheerily.

"Hi!" I say back, waving. And then it hit me. I'm flying. I got down to ground level, and smiled again.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you?" Tubbo asks curiously.

"I'm a fairy! Technically the Queen fairy, but my old village doest do government anymore."

Butterflies | Niki Nihachu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now