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a/n- I apologize for not uploading yesterday. I felt off, and I wasn't sure what to write. But here's today's chapter!!

The guards bowed to Wilbur and Tommy, and let us in. I wasn't flying anymore, since I feel like it would look a bit odd. I was walking next to Niki and her horse, with my head held up high. As we approached another set of gates, surrounding the castle, Niki grabbed my hand, and squeezed it. I guess I looked a bit frightened, because she quietly asked me if was okay. I nodded, and she let go of my hand. The guards opened the gates for them, but when I tried to go through, they stopped me.

"No royalty has been expected except for them. Sorry darling, but you cant go in." Said one with blonde hair. He was wearing a white hoodie, with black ripped jeans, and a gold chain. The other guard was just standing there not making eye contact with anyone. He kept his head up. His skin was pitch black, and he wore a red and black outfit. He had a sword on his back, but was holding a trident in his right hand. He had pure white eyes, that were intimidating. Did I mention how tall he his? Because he is tall. Like around 9 feet tall.

"They're with us Punz." Wilbur said assertively. "She's going to heal my father."

"She's a fairy. Their "healing magic" is fake." He said making sure to put air quotes around "healing" and "magic".

"Punz. Back down. Their magic is real. Now I suggest you let them through, or I'll report you for not following the Prince's orders." The tall one said annoyed.

The blonde scoffed, and let me through. I caught up with the others, and they walked over to the stables. They put their horses in stalls, before heading to the castle. I kept on rubbing my hands on my pants, trying to get rid of the sweat. Niki grabbed my hand, and smiled. I smiled back, and we continued to walk. There were guards everywhere. Around 60 surrounding the outside, and I could guess there would be a lot more on the inside. When we entered through the grand doors, we were welcomed, with a huge open room. There were very high ceilings, there was statues of God's and Goddesses on pillars, supporting the ceiling. The pillars were made out of quartz. They had gold accents, symbolizing riches. There were two main paintings, on opposite sides of the entrance to the thrown room. On the left side, there was a painting of what I assume is the King and Queen. The painting on the right, was of Wilbur, Tommy, and someone else. He had Pi k hair, and looked like a piglin mixed with a human. He had a human body, but his features were piglin.

"Ranboo, Tubbo, and Niki, you guys can go to your rooms. Me Tommy, and Y/n will go to my father." Wilbur said.

"Can I go with you guys? I want to make sure Y/n doesn't overwork themself." Niki asked.

"I don't see why not. We should head over there now. Y/n, do you have everything?" Wilbur questions looking at me.

I nod, "Yeah, I have potions, and my staff, so I should be good."

He nods, and we start to walk down a super long hallway. It had many more pictures of their family. I guess this is the family's hall. After about 3 minutes of walking down the hallway, we reach a door at the very end. Wilbur and Tommy go in first, then Niki, then me. When I got in the room, I saw a few maids, brewing potions, for the King, and a ghost figure sitting next to him, with his head in his hands.

"Ghostno." Tommy said worriedly. "How is he?"

"Not good..I'm afraid if we can't find a cure...he'll be gone for good.." He said quietly.

"We've brought a friend to help heal him." Wilbur said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Can you explain what you're doing while you're doing it? It helps with Tommy's and Ghostno's anxiety." He whispered. I nodded, and got out my pen. I clicked it, and it turned into my staff. I went over to the king, and knelt down.

Butterflies | Niki Nihachu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now