Goh: it must taste bad.

(The Kanto one tries the Galar one's tail)

Ash: now the other one.

(It munches a little and there's no reaction until it suddenly starts shouting out in pain and discomfort as it's mouth is red and the Galar slowpoke's tail is spicy and hot)

Goh: what!

Ash: what's wrong?

(Grookey licks and freaks out from the hot and spiciness of it as it stops, drops and rolls)

Goh: hey grookey, was it hot?

Ash: so much for being sweet

Goh: I guess they taste differently 

Rotom phone: because they eat Galarica seeds from the Galar region their tails have a spicy flavour 

Ash: wow, I get it!

Goh: maybe their diet has something to do with why they look different 

(They hear a noise as they look to see a kantonian slowbro)

Ash: look a slowbro!

(They follow it as it reaches a tree as it headbutts a tree to try and get a coconut down but it doesn't work as we see a galarian slowbro arrive onto the scene)

Goh: another one!

Ash: I'll bet you that it's a galarian slowbro, it looks a little different.

(Y/N): (star eyed) so cool! It has a shelder looking blaster for a hand!

Rotom phone: slowbro (galarian form), the hermit crab Pokémon, a poison/psychic type. When galarian slowbro squeezes the tongue of the header biting it's arm the she,deer shoots poisonous liquid from the tip of it's shell.

(The two slowbro look at each other)

Goh: neither one of them is moving.

Ash: maybe they'll have a battle!

Goh: I'm pretty sure that isn't on their minds.

(Slowbro raises it's shelder arm and shoots out poison hitting the tree and knocking a coconut off as it picks it up and communicates with the other slowbro who walks away as galarian slowbro finishes looking at the coconut and goes to hand it to the Kanto one just to see it's walking away)

Goh: someone else claimed it first

Ash: yeah maybe that's it.

((Y/N)'s slowpoke uses psychic to bring a coconut down from the tree and cracks it open via zen headbutt and tries it but doesn't like the taste)

(Y/N): yeah, it's not quite the spicy stuff you seem to like.

(They hear a loud call of a Pokémon as galarian slowbro walks away to it as does (Y/N)'s slowpoke)

(Y/N): where are you going?

Ash: what now?

(We see the galarian slowbro and Kanto slowbro along with both slowbro's opposite each other as something approaches)

Ash: isn't that...

(They see a galarian slowking as it shouts out)

(Y/N): I'll take it this slowking is the head honcho of this group of Galarian Pokémon 

Rotom phone: slowking (galarian form), the hexpert Pokémon, a poison/psychic type. A mix of poisons and a shock of evolving can give shelder's intellect a massive upgrade. In fact, the shelder can control the slowking.

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